Create a scenario focused around an addiction. This is an opportunity to explore developmental issues that may have warranted some kind of intervention (school, hospital, therapeutic setting, etc) as well as the evolvement or stunt in developmental achievements that could have contributed to the clients addiction (think generational addiction and/or trauma, social networks/groups, parental figures or lack thereof, etc). Your target age should be from age 10-18. There should be at least 5-6 paragraphs with details to your scenario. Paint a picture for your readers. Help them understand what happened in the past, present, future and the challenges and success points this client had.
Please select an age or time period within development where a challenging circumstance(s) were present (i.e. age 8, parents’ divorce, age 5, birth of sibling, age 14, onset of puberty, selfesteem issues, age 27, adjusting to marriage, age 40, death of a parent, etc.). Provide an introduction by briefly describing the presenting problem. Briefly describe the presenting symptoms/issues or reasons for intervention/referral. What would others see, hear or observe about them that would be symptoms of the addiction they were facing? What might they observe about themselves? What would they be thinking, feeling and doing? Include the following bullet points at the beginning of your 5-6 paragraph description. “Client’s” age Gender Race Presentation and affect Motor behavior Mental status: orientation to time, place, person, and situation Status of homicidal, suicidal or violent ideation Relationship status (immediate family and extended family) Any recent significant losses Educational status (grade level, academic standing and history) Peer relationships Employment status Legal history Alcohol and other drug use (if in recovery longest clean time) Support systems (family, extended family, peers, clubs/organizations) History of presenting problem, (how long has the client had the problem) Motivation Unique strengths and resources Previous counseling or in-patient psychiatric care Expectations of counseling (what might happen in counseling to help with the problem?)