Self interest
PSY 2012 Writing Assignment #2 Kellogg, SL
Introduction to Psychological Science (PSY 2012)
Writing Assignment #2
DUE DATE: April 11th, 2020 by 11:59pm.
NOTE: It is your responsibility to assure that your writing assignment is uploaded successfully, in the correct
format (Word document) and is accessible to us. Any corrupted or unreadable files will be counted as a zero. Do
not wait until the last minute to submit it. It will not be accepted if overdue by more than 2 days.
Virtually all human outcomes, abilities, and behaviors reflect a complex interaction of nature (biological factors)
and nurture (social-environmental factors). For example, many psychological processes that were once assumed
to be “basic” and uniform across all humans were later found to differ across cultures, suggesting that the unique
environments in which people are raised can shape the emergence of basic biological processes.
Summarize and interpret a peer-reviewed article that describes a cross-cultural difference in some psychological
process (e.g., visual perception, pain perception and expression, etc.). You may choose from one of the articles
provided below or find an article on your own.
• For your convenience, we provided FOUR articles that you may select from (see below) that are
applicable to the instructions of Writing Assignment #2.
• However, you are welcome to find an article on your own if you prefer.
o You might find the EBSCO PsycInfo database useful if you choose to locate your own article.
o If you need assistance using PsycInfo, please contact your TA and/or consult with a Reference Librarian at
the USF Library (
o Your TA must approve your article before the assignment is submitted.
• If you have taken this class in the past, you must choose an article that you have not written about
Topic: Self-interest: Personal Self vs. Social Others
Kitayama, S. & Park, J. (2014). Error-related activity reveals self-centric motivation: Culture Matters. Journal of
Experimental Psychology: General, 143, 62-70.
Topic: Causal attributions
Norenzayan, A., & Nisbett, R. E. (2000). Culture and causal cognition. Current Directions in Psychological Science,
9, 132-135.
Topic: The Müller-Lyer Illusion
Segall, M. H., Campbell, D. T., & Herskovits, M. J. (1966). Cultural differences in the perception of geometric
illusions. Science, 139, 769-771.
Topic: Pain perception
Weisenberg, M., & Caspi, Z. (1989). Cultural and educational influences on pain of childbirth. Journal of Pain and
Symptom Management, 4, 13-19.
PSY 2012 Writing Assignment #2 Kellogg, SL
1. Define and summarize the specific psychological process, behavior, or phenomenon that is investigated in
your article. Provide enough detail so that a naïve reader could fully understand the topic of the article.
2. Identify the features of the groups (cultures) that are being compared in the study. Are these people from
different countries? If so, what countries? Are they groups within the same country who are raised within
separate subcultures or communities? Describe the groups in enough detail so that it is clear where they
were recruited and how they differ from each other.
3. Describe the findings of the article. How do people from these different groups or cultures respond or
behave differently?
4. Explain the findings. Explain why people from these different groups or cultures are theorized to differ in
their behavior, perceptual processes, or other psychological phenomenon. Describe the unique life
experiences, backgrounds, or prior learning that presumably accounts for the observed findings.
The final paper should be:
• 3-4 pages long
• Double-spaced
• Size 12 Times New Roman font
• 1” margins
• You are NOT permitted to use any quotes.
o Every word you write must be your own. You will lose points if you include any quotes.
o Copying/pasting without quotes is plagiarism! Do not steal words or ideas from other people.
• If you mention an idea that (a) you did not create yourself, (b) is not common sense, or (c) originated from
another study or author, then you need to cite it.
• Additional help with APA formatting:
Structure your paper to provide a logical flow.
• Make sure your writing is clear.
• Clearly identify your main arguments
• Each paragraph should have one clear main point.
o Provide evidence for your claims.
o Provide examples from the article—written in your own words—to support your arguments.
o Order your paragraphs in a logical way.
o Use transitions as needed.
• Use your own words
o Do not plagiarize (now or ever!).
o Every word you write must be your own.
o Do not include any quotes in your paper from the article, your textbook, or any other source!
o Inclusion of quotes will result in the immediate deduction of points from your paper.
o Always cite where you obtained your evidence.
o Do not assume facts or state opinions without citing relevant support.
Plagiarism is considered Academic Misconduct and will result in a failing grade.
If you having trouble writing in general, consider contacting the Writing Center located in LIB 206, Tutoring and Learning
Services (stop in or call 813-974-2713 for an appointment). When setting up an appointment, mention that you need
assistance with a paper for a psychology course, so that they can schedule you with someone who has expertise in this subject
matter and writing style.
PSY 2012 Writing Assignment #2 Kellogg, SL
Grading Rubric
1. Summary of psychological process, behavior, or phenomenon
a. (4 points) Correctly identifies the focus of the article
b. (2 points) Sufficiently explains all relevant psychological concepts and definitions
c. (4 points) Accurately describes why the psychological process, behavior, or phenomenon
may differ between groups according to theory
2. Description of the features of the groups/cultures
a. (4 points) Identifies if groups are from different countries
b. (4 points) Identifies if groups are from different subcultures or communities
c. (2 points) Describes all other characteristics distinguishing the groups
3. Description of research findings
a. (4 points) Identifies whether (or not) the psychological process, behavior, or phenomenon
differs significantly between the groups
b. (2 points) Identifies which behaviors or responses were measured
c. (4 points) Describes how the behaviors or responses differ (or fail to differ) between the
4. Explanation of findings
a. (4 points) Uses psychological theories to explain why the groups do (or do not) differ
b. (4 points) Describes the unique life experiences, backgrounds, or prior learning that
presumably account for the observed findings
c. (2 points) Explains how limitations or other factors may have influenced the results of the
5. Quality of writing
a. (2 points) Logical flow of ideas – order/content of paragraphs provide a coherent narrative
b. (2 points) Proper spelling, grammar, and syntax
c. (2 points) Proper format, correct length, APA-format
d. (2 points) Proper APA citations of all in-text references to external information
e. (2 points) No quotes and no heavy paraphrasing
50 Points Total