2000 words max. Times new roman. size 12. 1.5 spacing. APA referencing. I have the 6 academic sources, please refer to these. Follow task instructions and use my assignment 1 to follow on from. My management problem for Coca-Cola is planning. Use in-text citation from sources and text Management 6th Asia Pacific Edition. Introduction 250 words, the intro of the management problem and it′s context, based on research from assignment 1. Introduce the purpose of the report and provide the scope of the report. Body 1250 words. (in-text citation required here. This should include a comparison/contrast of different perspectives in the literature about FOM and the issue. Explain the function of management that I have chosen (planning), including specific aspects/features of this function relating to the issue. (planning).Critical discussion about the issue. Conclusion 200 words. Provide an overview of your analysis to summarise what you have found for Coca-Cola. Recommendations 300 words. Propose specific actions as to what Cola-Cola should do, which relate to what you have discussed in the body of the report. I have a title page and table of contents page.
Management Concepts
The company that I have chosen for assignment 1b is the Coca-Cola Company. I have also chosen to relate question 1 and 2 to the Coca-Cola Company.
1)What are the challenges for being a contemporary manager?
Unfortunately Coke as a preferred beverage amongst the majority is in decline and has been for some time. In today’s technology driven world where hunger from both young and old are seeking healthier alternatives and where the market has never been more flooded for choice, Coca-Cola has failed to stay relevant and plan successful new products to counteract their competition.
A challenge for Coca-Cola has been attracting and retaining the calibre of employees both middle and top management that have successfully brought the knowledge, vision and passion that is essential for any international organisation to remain globally competitive and a leader of the industry.
The environment in which Coca-Cola operates is a saturated market and for managers and marketers not to translate their skills and leadership effectively and efficiently into real results highlights Coca-Cola’s inability to pay attention to the people that matter the most, their customers.
2)What do you think might be a management problem for the organisation?
Although Coca-Cola is an international business giant with over three hundred beverage brands, operating in more than two hundred nations, there is a systemic lack of foresight and planning. Coca-Cola have ignored the very serious threats from the competition, even when there was knowledge that sales were in decline and have paid the price dearly by losing its status as the world’s number one carbonated soda.
Coca-Cola have relied on past marketing and promotional strategies that have in the past promoted them to become a global leader. Fast forward to the present and the company has failed to plan a new direction for Coke, identify any threats from the competition and have stopped listening to their customers and consumer preferences.
Coca-Cola leadership have ignored their existing customer base and unsuccessfully gained significant market share and failed to find an alternative to capture and regain those customers, simply put, Coca-Cola have fallen asleep at the wheel.
Another concerning problem for Coca-Cola due to its large size is linking the management planning across the scope of the company. The organisation operates different planning strategies in relation to management issues in different nations worldwide thus causing disparate managerial processes in relation to proper planning, decision making, budgeting and employee relations.
Lastly, it is still evident that Coca-Cola’s planning process for the future is coming up short. The decisions being made from the CEO to reduce and cut operating costs and sell off various operations of the business simply to raise and create cash flow, a very short-term strategy, will not only disadvantage its shareholders by restricting the company’s effort to increase its market share, therefore turn a greater profit but also reduce Coca-Cola’s capacity to regain its number one standing on the global stage.
A Management Problem in Coca Cola Company. (April 2, 2019).
Works cited
Byers, L. Strategic Management: planning and implementation concepts and cases. New York, NY: Harper and Row, 2010.
Meeker, M. The Coca-Cola Company: an international perspective. California: Salomon Brothers Inc., 2011.
Brinckmann, J., Grichnik, D., & Kaspa, D. (2010). Should entrepreneurs plan or just storm the castle? A meta-analysis on contextual factors impacting the business planning- performance relationship in small firms. Journal of Business Venturing, 25(1), 24-40 doi:org/10.1016/j.jbusvent.2008.10.007
Fox, C. (2016). (Business) Planning for the Future. Legal Information Management; Cambridge, 18(4), 233-239
Harris, G. (2014). Four blind alleys of scenario analysis. Strategy & Leadership
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Hartung, A. (2014, Oct 28). Coca-Cola’s Problems Reflect a Giant Losing Relevance.
Schermerhorn, J. R., Davidson, P., Factor, A., Poole, D., Woods, P., Simon, A., McBarron, E. (2017). Management 6th Asia-Pacific edition. Milton, QLD., Australia: John Wiley & Sons.