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DATCB/565 Competency 1 Assessment and Rubric
Course Title: Data Analysis and Business Analytics
Assessment Title: Competency 1 Assessment
Points: 100

Assignment Directions
Read the scenario, part 1, part 2, and the rubric before beginning your assignment.

Pastas R Us, Inc. is a fast-casual restaurant chain specializing in noodle-based dishes, soups, and salads. Since its inception, the business development team has
favored opening new restaurants in areas (within a 3-mile radius) that satisfy the following demographic conditions:
• Median age between 25 and 45 years old
• Household median income above national average
• At least 15% college-educated adult population

Last year, the marketing department rolled out a loyalty card strategy to increase sales. Under this program, customers present their loyalty card when paying for
their orders and receive some free food after making 10 purchases.

The company has collected data from its 74 restaurants to track important variables such as average sales per customer, year-on-year sales growth, sales per sq.
ft., loyalty card usage as a percentage of sales, and others. A key metric of financial performance in the restaurant industry is annual sales per sq. ft. For example,
if a 1,200 sq. ft. restaurant recorded $2 million in sales last year, then it sold $1,667 per sq. ft.

Executive management wants to know whether the current expansion criteria can be improved; evaluate the effectiveness of the loyalty card marketing strategy;
and identify feasible, actionable opportunities for improvement. As a member of the analytics department, you’ve been assigned the responsibility of conducting a
thorough statistical analysis of the company’s available database to answer executive management’s questions.

Part 1: Descriptive Statistics Analysis
Conduct the following descriptive statistics analyses using the Pastas R Us, Inc. data set in Microsoft Excel. Answer the questions in the spreadsheet or a
separate Microsoft Word document.

Insert a new column in the database that corresponds to AnnualSales. AnnualSales is the result of multiplying a restaurant’s SqFt by Sales/SqFt.

Calculate the following:

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• mean
• standard deviation
• skew
• 5-number summary
• interquartile range (IQR) for each of the variables

Create a box-plot for the AnnualSales variable and answer the following questions:
• Does it look symmetric?
• Would you prefer the IQR instead of the standard deviation to describe this variable’s dispersion? Why or why not?

Create a histogram for the Sales/SqFt variable and answer the following questions:
• Is the distribution symmetric? If not, what is the skew?
• Are there any outliers? If so, which one(s)?
• What is the SqFt area of the outlier(s)? Is the outlier(s) smaller or larger than the average restaurant in the database? What can you conclude from this

• What measure of central tendency is more appropriate to describe Sales/SqFt? Why?

Cite references to support your assignment.

Part 2: Report
Write a 750- to 1,000-word statistical report with the following sections:
• Section 1: Scope and Descriptive Statistics
• Section 2: Analysis
• Section 3: Recommendations and Implementation

Section 1: Scope and Descriptive Statistics
• State the report’s objective.
• Discuss the nature of the current database. What variables were analyzed?
• Summarize your descriptive statistics findings from Part 1. Use a table and insert appropriate graphs.

Section 2: Analysis
• Using Microsoft Excel, create scatter plots and display the regression equations for the following pairs of variables:

o BachDeg% versus Sales/SqFt
o MedIncome versus Sales/SqFt
o MedAge versus Sales/SqFt
o LoyaltyCard(%) versus SalesGrowth(%)

• In your report, include the scatter plots. For each scatter plot, designate the type of relationship observed (increasing/positive, decreasing/negative, or no
relationship) and determine what can be concluded from these relationships.

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Section 3: Recommendations and Implementation
• Based on your findings above, assess which expansion criteria seem to be more effective. Is there any expansion criterion that could be changed or

eliminated? If so, which one and why?
• Based on your findings above, does it appear as if the loyalty card is positively correlated with sales growth? Would you recommend changing this marketing

• Based on your previous findings, recommend marketing positioning that targets a specific demographic. (Hint: Are younger people patronizing the restaurants

more than older people?)
• Indicate what information should be collected to track and evaluate the effectiveness of your recommendations. How can this data be collected? (Hint: would

you use survey/samples or census data?)

Cite references to support your assignment.

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Competency Assessment Rubric


Meets Expectations

Not Met


1. Part 1: “AnnualSales”
mean, standard deviation,
skew, 5-number summary,
and interquartile range (IQR)
for each of the variables

(weight 5%)

Accurately inserted new column in
the database titled “AnnualSales”
and correctly calculated all of the
following: the mean, standard
deviation, skew, 5-number
summary, and interquartile range
(IQR) for each of the variables

Accurately inserted new column in
the database titled “AnnualSales”;
correctly calculated 2-3 of the
following: the mean, standard
deviation, skew, 5-number
summary, and interquartile range
(IQR) for each of the variables

Inserted new column in the database titled
“AnnualSales”; correctly calculated 1 of the
following: the mean, standard deviation,
skew, 5-number summary, and interquartile
range (IQR) for each of the variables; did not
insert new column in the database titled
Annual Sales; did not calculate any of the
following: the mean, standard deviation,
skew, 5-number summary, and interquartile
range (IQR) for each of the variables

2. Part 1: “AnnualSales”

(weight 5%)

Accurately created a box-plot for
the “AnnualSales” variable; clearly
and correctly answered all of the
given questions

Accurately created a box-plot for
the “AnnualSales” variable; correctly
answered all of the given questions

Accurately created a box-plot for the
“AnnualSales” variable and partially
answered some of the given questions; or
did not create an accurate box plot; did not
answer any of the questions

3. Part 1: “Sales/SqFt”

(weight 5%)

Accurately created a histogram for
the “Sales/SqFt” variable; clearly
and correctly answered all of the
given questions

Accurately created a histogram for
the “Sales/SqFt” variable; correctly
answered all of the given questions

Accurately created a histogram for the
“Sales/SqFt” variable; correctly answered
some of the given questions; or did not
accurately creates a histogram for the
“Sales/SqFt” variable; did not answer any of
the questions

4. Part 1: “Sales/SqFt”
central tendency

(weight 5%)

Thoroughly analyzed what measure
of central tendency is more
appropriate to describe
“Sales/SqFt” and clearly explained

Partially analyzed what measure of
central tendency is more
appropriate to describe
“Sales/SqFt” and clearly explained

Narrowly analyzed what measure of central
tendency is more appropriate to describe
“Sales/SqFt” and explained why; or did not
analyze what measure of central tendency
is more appropriate to describe

5. Part 2: Scope

(weight 10%)

Thoroughly stated the report’s
objective and thoroughly discussed
the nature of the current database

Partially stated the report’s
objective and partially discussed
the nature of the current database

Narrowly stated the report’s objective and
narrowly discussed the nature of the current
database or did not submit the report’s
objective and did not discuss the nature of
the current database

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Meets Expectations

Not Met

6. Part 2: Descriptive

(weight 10%)

Thoroughly summarized descriptive
statistics findings using a table and

Partially summarized descriptive
statistics findings using a table and

Narrowly summarized descriptive statistics
findings using a table and graphs or did not
submit a summary of descriptive statistics

7. Part 2: Scatter plots

(weight 10%)

Accurately created scatter plots
and regression equations for given

Created mostly accurate scatter
plots and regression equations for
given variables

Created scatter plots and regression
equations for given variables but with errors
that impacted analysis or did not submit
scatter plots and regression equations for
given variables

8. Part 2: Analysis of scatter

(weight 10%)

Thoroughly designated the type of
relationship observed from scatter
plots and thoroughly determined
what to conclude from these

Partially designated the type of
relationship observed from scatter
plots and partially determined what
to conclude from these

Narrowly designated the type of relationship
observed from scatter plots and narrowly
determined what to conclude from these
relationships or did not submit type of
relationship observed from scatter plots and
did not submit conclusions from these

9. Part 2: Recommendation

(weight 20%)

Thoroughly assessed which
expansion criteria seem to be more
effective in order to recommend
marketing positioning that targets a
specific demographic

Partially assessed which expansion
criteria seem to be more effective in
order to recommend marketing
positioning that targets a specific

Narrowly assessed which expansion criteria
seem to be more effective in order to
recommend marketing positioning that
targets a specific demographic or did not
submit an assessment of expansion criteria

10. Part 2: Implementation

(weight 20%)

Thoroughly outlined what
information should be collected to
track and evaluate the
effectiveness of the

Partially outlined what information
should be collected to track and
evaluate the effectiveness of the

Narrowly outlined what information should
be collected to track and evaluate the
effectiveness of the recommendations or
did not submit an outline of information

  • Assignment Directions
    • Scenario
    • Part 1: Descriptive Statistics Analysis
    • Part 2: Report
  • Competency Assessment Rubric


This worksheet contains values required for MegaStat charts.
Residuals X data 3/19/2007 7:49.25
66 18 45177 34.4 31
69 16 51888 41.2 20
67 10 51379 40.3 24
70 4 66081 35.4 29
78 0 50999 31.5 18
62 28 41562 36.3 30
70 28 44196 35.1 14
84 29 50975 37.6 33
68 22 72808 34.9 28
60 42 79070 34.8 29
80 36 78497 36.2 39
64 32 41245 32.2 23
80 22 33003 30.9 22
88 78 90988 37.7 37
42 35 37950 34.3 24
68 32 45206 32.4 17
80 48 79312 32.1 37
84 32 37345 31.4 22
35 27 46226 30.4 36
84 24 70024 33.9 34
78 16 54982 35.6 26
80 39 54932 35.9 20
70 70 34097 33.6 20
76 33 46593 37.9 26
56 12 51893 40.6 21
65 32 88162 37.7 37
62 0 89016 36.4 34
66 20 114353 40.9 34
76 24 75366 35 30
92 36 48163 26.4 16
112 34 49956 37.1 28
66 15 45990 30.3 36
70 28 45723 31.3 18
60 15 43800 29.6 36
86 10 68711 32.9 18
76 0 65150 40.7 24
68 16 39329 29.3 22
64 0 63657 37.3 29
52 36 67099 39.8 25
78 26 75151 33.9 28
64 28 93876 35 40
82 32 79701 35 39
86 30 77115 35.9 30
92 16 52766 33 17
72 10 32929 30.9 22
90 24 87863 38.5 29
64 20 73752 40.5 19
80 20 85366 32.1 29
102 30 39180 34.8 18
70 26 56077 38 19
62 26 77449 37 34
68 20 56822 34.7 25
74 24 80470 36.4 30
84 14 55584 36.8 21
70 32 78001 32.2 30
96 32 75307 34.8 30
70 22 76375 36.7 28
76 32 61857 33.8 31
62 28 61312 34.2 16
92 23 72040 39 31
60 20 92414 34.9 40
54 15 92602 39.3 33
110 23 59599 35.6 28
78 0 72453 36 23
72 31 67925 41.1 16
74 29 42631 24.7 25
94 0 75652 40.5 25
80 16 39650 32.9 18
124 0 48033 30.3 15
46 20 67403 36.2 19
66 0 80597 32.4 27
63 28 60928 43.5 21
72 15 73762 41.6 29
76 24 64225 31.4 15
NormalPlot data 3/19/2007 7:49.03
-259.9497306439 -2.3669115357
-188.5900144767 -2.0061237235
-178.1863109741 -1.8007082352
-165.2888689211 -1.6514108613
-156.2930386781 -1.5318456091
-147.1995334043 -1.4308738679
-145.0204151759 -1.3426905457
-132.7962270775 -1.2638662791
-132.5838765031 -1.1921973902
-127.8657575015 -1.1261791757
-124.4916500844 -1.0647357757
-123.016384493 -1.0070695657
-118.431306853 -0.952571595
-110.8440652315 -0.9007655189
-110.1477551652 -0.8512709934
-109.3430277914 -0.8037789242
-105.1097263145 -0.7580342264
-104.7616892077 -0.7138235056
-100.1917272772 -0.6709660579
-96.9455399284 -0.6293071641
-78.5222407532 -0.588713006
-66.833182556 -0.5490667518
-63.9367962151 -0.5102654979
-54.9666697606 -0.4722178495
-49.5089341383 -0.4348419815
-43.817663257 -0.3980640685
-30.5622414309 -0.3618169976
-29.7056802184 -0.3260393031
-28.8211160258 -0.2906742745
-21.3829190469 -0.2556692022
-20.8096302471 -0.220974732
-18.0336858908 -0.1865443062
-16.4732294274 -0.152333674
-15.5268611118 -0.1183004556
-12.5832024808 -0.0844037498
-11.5991899485 -0.0506037738
-10.6416197419 -0.0168615273
-6.4663288735 0.0168615273
6.6082090726 0.0506037738
10.1026389027 0.0844037498
10.1556691582 0.1183004556
11.5424324103 0.152333674
13.4792557233 0.1865443062
15.0213966843 0.220974732
18.9663798116 0.2556692022
19.2122025279 0.2906742745
19.5938287738 0.3260393031
19.7419844304 0.3618169976
23.7470781354 0.3980640685
25.1736217387 0.4348419815
28.9194386872 0.4722178495
38.4697564504 0.5102654979
50.9831788417 0.5490667518
53.0357068283 0.588713006
61.102903906 0.6293071641
63.1204953548 0.6709660579
63.8380153718 0.7138235056
71.0833539728 0.7580342264
71.3281648375 0.8037789242
75.1828858929 0.8512709934
75.2802525469 0.9007655189
81.3206554357 0.952571595
81.6351025536 1.0070695657
105.576464442 1.0647357757
115.0253844293 1.1261791757
122.2233804168 1.1921973902
150.1178490106 1.2638662791
180.3934285167 1.3426905457
196.2671375845 1.4308738679
205.7993140008 1.5318456091
234.8563337617 1.6514108613
289.7338930992 1.8007082352
336.0904495556 2.0061237235
372.5195939607 2.3669115357
Residuals X data 3/19/2007 8:01.41
66 18 45177 34.4 31
69 16 51888 41.2 20
67 10 51379 40.3 24
70 4 66081 35.4 29
78 0 50999 31.5 18
62 28 41562 36.3 30
70 28 44196 35.1 14
84 29 50975 37.6 33
68 22 72808 34.9 28
60 42 79070 34.8 29
80 36 78497 36.2 39
64 32 41245 32.2 23
80 22 33003 30.9 22
88 78 90988 37.7 37
42 35 37950 34.3 24
68 32 45206 32.4 17
80 48 79312 32.1 37
84 32 37345 31.4 22
35 27 46226 30.4 36
84 24 70024 33.9 34
78 16 54982 35.6 26
80 39 54932 35.9 20
70 70 34097 33.6 20
76 33 46593 37.9 26
56 12 51893 40.6 21
65 32 88162 37.7 37
62 0 89016 36.4 34
66 20 114353 40.9 34
76 24 75366 35 30
92 36 48163 26.4 16
112 34 49956 37.1 28
66 15 45990 30.3 36
70 28 45723 31.3 18
60 15 43800 29.6 36
86 10 68711 32.9 18
76 0 65150 40.7 24
68 16 39329 29.3 22
64 0 63657 37.3 29
52 36 67099 39.8 25
78 26 75151 33.9 28
64 28 93876 35 40
82 32 79701 35 39
86 30 77115 35.9 30
92 16 52766 33 17
72 10 32929 30.9 22
90 24 87863 38.5 29
64 20 73752 40.5 19
80 20 85366 32.1 29
102 30 39180 34.8 18
70 26 56077 38 19
62 26 77449 37 34
68 20 56822 34.7 25
74 24 80470 36.4 30
84 14 55584 36.8 21
70 32 78001 32.2 30
96 32 75307 34.8 30
70 22 76375 36.7 28
76 32 61857 33.8 31
62 28 61312 34.2 16
92 23 72040 39 31
60 20 92414 34.9 40
54 15 92602 39.3 33
110 23 59599 35.6 28
78 0 72453 36 23
72 31 67925 41.1 16
74 29 42631 24.7 25
94 0 75652 40.5 25
80 16 39650 32.9 18
124 0 48033 30.3 15
46 20 67403 36.2 19
66 0 80597 32.4 27
63 28 60928 43.5 21
72 15 73762 41.6 29
76 24 64225 31.4 15
NormalPlot data 3/19/2007 8:01.03
-259.9497306439 -2.3669115357
-188.5900144767 -2.0061237235
-178.1863109741 -1.8007082352
-165.2888689211 -1.6514108613
-156.2930386781 -1.5318456091
-147.1995334043 -1.4308738679
-145.0204151759 -1.3426905457
-132.7962270775 -1.2638662791
-132.5838765031 -1.1921973902
-127.8657575015 -1.1261791757
-124.4916500844 -1.0647357757
-123.016384493 -1.0070695657
-118.431306853 -0.952571595
-110.8440652315 -0.9007655189
-110.1477551652 -0.8512709934
-109.3430277914 -0.8037789242
-105.1097263145 -0.7580342264
-104.7616892077 -0.7138235056
-100.1917272772 -0.6709660579
-96.9455399284 -0.6293071641
-78.5222407532 -0.588713006
-66.833182556 -0.5490667518
-63.9367962151 -0.5102654979
-54.9666697606 -0.4722178495
-49.5089341383 -0.4348419815
-43.817663257 -0.3980640685
-30.5622414309 -0.3618169976
-29.7056802184 -0.3260393031
-28.8211160258 -0.2906742745
-21.3829190469 -0.2556692022
-20.8096302471 -0.220974732
-18.0336858908 -0.1865443062
-16.4732294274 -0.152333674
-15.5268611118 -0.1183004556
-12.5832024808 -0.0844037498
-11.5991899485 -0.0506037738
-10.6416197419 -0.0168615273
-6.4663288735 0.0168615273
6.6082090726 0.0506037738
10.1026389027 0.0844037498
10.1556691582 0.1183004556
11.5424324103 0.152333674
13.4792557233 0.1865443062
15.0213966843 0.220974732
18.9663798116 0.2556692022
19.2122025279 0.2906742745
19.5938287738 0.3260393031
19.7419844304 0.3618169976
23.7470781354 0.3980640685
25.1736217387 0.4348419815
28.9194386872 0.4722178495
38.4697564504 0.5102654979
50.9831788417 0.5490667518
53.0357068283 0.588713006
61.102903906 0.6293071641
63.1204953548 0.6709660579
63.8380153718 0.7138235056
71.0833539728 0.7580342264
71.3281648375 0.8037789242
75.1828858929 0.8512709934
75.2802525469 0.9007655189
81.3206554357 0.952571595
81.6351025536 1.0070695657
105.576464442 1.0647357757
115.0253844293 1.1261791757
122.2233804168 1.1921973902
150.1178490106 1.2638662791
180.3934285167 1.3426905457
196.2671375845 1.4308738679
205.7993140008 1.5318456091
234.8563337617 1.6514108613
289.7338930992 1.8007082352
336.0904495556 2.0061237235
372.5195939607 2.3669115357


Pastas R Us, Inc. Database (n = 74 restaurants)
Square Feet Per Person Average Spending Sales Growth Over Previous Year (%) Loyalty Card % of Net Sales Annual Sales Per Sq Ft Median HH Income (3 Miles) Median Age (3 Miles) % w/ Bachelor’s Degree (3 Miles)
Obs SqFt Sales/Person SalesGrowth% LoyaltyCard% Sales/SqFt MedIncome MedAge BachDeg%
1 2354 6.81 -8.31 2.07 701.97 45177 34.4 31
2 2604 7.57 -4.01 2.54 209.93 51888 41.2 20
3 2453 6.89 -3.94 1.66 364.92 51379 40.3 24
4 2340 7.13 -3.39 2.06 443.04 66081 35.4 29
5 2500 7.04 -3.30 2.48 399.20 50999 31.5 18
6 2806 6.93 -1.94 2.96 264.64 41562 36.3 30
7 2250 7.11 -0.77 2.28 571.59 44196 35.1 14
8 2400 7.13 -0.37 2.34 642.25 50975 37.6 33
9 2709 6.58 -0.25 2.20 461.45 72808 34.9 28
10 1990 6.77 -0.17 2.34 638.82 79070 34.8 29
11 2392 6.66 0.47 2.09 484.38 78497 36.2 39
12 2408 7.03 0.55 2.47 581.09 41245 32.2 23
13 2627 7.03 0.77 2.04 267.71 33003 30.9 22
14 2500 7.00 1.92 2.02 572.84 90988 37.7 37
15 1986 7.38 2.05 2.01 586.48 37950 34.3 24
16 2500 7.18 2.12 2.64 368.73 45206 32.4 17
17 2668 7.35 2.84 2.22 351.47 79312 32.1 37
18 2517 6.95 2.88 2.07 458.24 37345 31.4 22
19 1251 7.02 3.96 1.94 987.12 46226 30.4 36
20 2998 6.85 4.04 2.17 357.45 70024 33.9 34
21 2625 7.16 4.05 0.72 405.77 54982 35.6 26
22 2300 6.99 4.05 2.00 680.80 54932 35.9 20
23 2761 7.28 4.24 1.81 368.02 34097 33.6 20
24 2764 7.07 4.58 2.13 303.95 46593 37.9 26
25 2430 7.05 5.09 2.50 393.90 51893 40.6 21
26 2154 6.54 5.14 2.63 562.12 88162 37.7 37
27 2400 6.70 5.48 1.95 494.88 89016 36.4 34
28 2430 6.91 5.86 2.04 310.07 114353 40.9 34
29 2549 7.58 5.91 1.41 373.46 75366 35.0 30
30 2500 7.03 5.98 2.05 235.81 48163 26.4 16
31 3653 6.84 6.08 2.13 413.08 49956 37.1 28
32 2440 6.94 6.08 2.08 625.22 45990 30.3 36
33 2600 7.07 6.13 2.73 274.30 45723 31.3 18
34 2160 7.00 6.27 1.95 542.62 43800 29.6 36
35 2800 7.08 6.57 2.04 178.56 68711 32.9 18
36 2757 6.75 6.90 1.62 375.33 65150 40.7 24
37 2450 6.81 6.94 1.95 329.09 39329 29.3 22
38 2400 7.64 7.12 1.64 297.37 63657 37.3 29
39 2270 6.62 7.39 1.78 323.17 67099 39.8 25
40 2800 6.76 7.67 2.23 468.84 75151 33.9 28
41 2520 7.11 7.91 2.15 352.57 93876 35.0 40
42 2487 7.05 8.08 2.83 380.34 79701 35.0 39
43 2629 6.90 8.27 2.37 398.12 77115 35.9 30
44 3200 7.17 8.54 3.07 312.15 52766 33.0 17
45 2335 6.75 8.58 2.19 452.16 32929 30.9 22
46 2500 7.45 8.72 1.28 698.64 87863 38.5 29
47 2449 7.00 8.75 1.76 367.19 73752 40.5 19
48 2625 6.96 8.79 2.51 431.93 85366 32.1 29
49 3150 7.30 8.90 1.90 367.06 39180 34.8 18
50 2625 6.96 9.12 1.98 400.53 56077 38.0 19
51 2741 6.71 9.47 2.41 414.36 77449 37.0 34
52 2500 6.82 10.17 2.17 481.11 56822 34.7 25
53 2450 6.58 10.66 2.16 538.06 80470 36.4 30
54 2986 7.56 10.97 0.29 330.48 55584 36.8 21
55 2967 6.98 11.34 1.85 249.93 78001 32.2 30
56 3000 7.28 11.45 1.88 291.87 75307 34.8 30
57 2500 6.76 11.51 2.19 517.40 76375 36.7 28
58 2600 6.92 11.73 2.56 551.58 61857 33.8 31
59 2800 6.73 11.83 2.16 386.81 61312 34.2 16
60 2986 6.91 11.95 2.10 427.50 72040 39.0 31
61 2223 6.77 12.47 1.98 453.94 92414 34.9 40
62 2300 7.33 12.80 0.87 512.46 92602 39.3 33
63 3799 7.87 13.78 1.07 345.27 59599 35.6 28
64 2700 6.95 14.09 3.38 234.04 72453 36.0 23
65 2650 7.33 14.23 1.17 348.33 67925 41.1 16
66 2500 6.95 14.60 2.14 348.47 42631 24.7 25
67 2994 7.21 14.88 0.93 294.95 75652 40.5 25
68 2718 7.25 15.42 2.22 361.14 39650 32.9 18
69 3700 7.65 16.18 1.68 467.71 48033 30.3 15
70 2000 6.93 17.23 2.41 403.78 67403 36.2 19
71 2400 6.79 18.43 2.81 245.74 80597 32.4 27
72 2450 7.37 20.76 1.09 339.94 60928 43.5 21
73 2575 6.76 25.54 0.64 400.82 73762 41.6 29
74 2400 7.97 28.81 1.77 326.54 64225 31.4 15

Noodles Database – Page &P of &N Printed &D Doane/Seward

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