Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Assignments PART ONE Cultural Interview Questionnaire Each student will identify and inte - STUDENT SOLUTION USA



Cultural Interview Questionnaire

Each student will identify and interview someone from a different culture than themselves. The student chooses to define what “different” looks like and may be based upon any number of things (i.e. ethnicity, race, religion, class, gender, age generation, sexual orientation etc.).

· With the attached Cultural Interview Questionnaire (see the attach template document), please upload a copy of all questions asked of the interviewee with submission of your assignment and responses to all questions.

· The interviewee can be a patient, neighbor, fellow student, or co-worker. Interviewee is from a different culture than the student.

· Follow-up or probing questions are asked to encourage dialogue and a shared learning about cultural differences

· Traditions are explored in detail

· In order to receive full credit, there should be additional questions asked of interviewees beyond the Cultural Interview Questionnaire template.

· Please see the Tips for Maximizing Your Cultural Interview page for additional suggestions: Tips for Maximizing your Cultural Interview Tips for Maximizing your Cultural Interview (see the attached document)



Cultural Interview Reflection Essay

After conducting the Cultural Interview, you are to complete the following essay:

· Student learning is highlighted in a 1-2-page double spaced essay in APA 7th format. APA format includes a title page, pagination, appropriate margins, appropriate in-text citation, appropriate font, appropriate reference format as well as correct spelling and punctuation.

· At least two scholarly references are included and pertains to the nurse’s role in working with clients from different cultures.

· Your essay should address the following:

· Introduction/overview

· One section including a comparative analysis or interpretation of your culture and your interviewee’s culture discussing the various attributes and what you learned from them.

· The other section should focus on how you will apply/integrate what you learned from your cultural interview experience into your professional nursing practice.

Interviewing Tips

• Contact the person you wish to interview, telling him or her about the interview. You may decide to give the person a copy of the questions prior to the interview.

• Please note that the person you are interviewing has the choice about participating in this interview so do not assume you can complete this assignment in one day.

•Make sure to ask follow-up questions about the attributes that are interesting and you need to know more about to have a firm understanding of the interviewee’s culture.

• Find a quiet place to conduct the interview, remember to tell the students their responses are confidential, and will not be shared with anyone. It is critical that you do this prior to asking questions.

• Take notes during the interview. If you choose to use a voice recorder, ask the interviewee first. Do not be surprised or upset if they say no or decide not to participate in the interview.

• For some interviewees this is the first time they are thinking about these types of questions, so be patient, give them time and consider following up on their responses.

Use the following disclaimer with your interviewee:

• Explain this interview is for class and that their participation will help you complete your assignment.

• State to interviewee, ”At any time, you can stop the interview and never return to it. You do not have to do it if you feel uncomfortable. You can refuse to answer any question at any time. For example, if I have three questions, you can choose to answer only two.

• Also inform the interviewee you will only use their initials. Explain what confidentiality is and affirm the only other person who will read the answers is your professor.

Clients Age___________ Clients Sex_____________ Clients Culture_______________

Cultural Interview Questions…

1. What is your definition of “culture?”

2. How do you define “family?”

3. Who holds the most “status” in your family? Why?

4. How do you define success?

5. Do you consider your parents to be successful?

6. How important is education in your family?

7. Is punctuality important to you? Is this a cultural or a personal preference?

8. Do you eat foods that are indigenous to your culture? Why or why not? If you answered yes, name some of the foods that you eat. If you answered no, what types of foods do you eat?

9. Do you have any eating habits/rituals that are specific to your culture?

10. Do you actively participate in an organized religion?

11. How important is religion in your family? Why ?

12. If religion is important in your family, do you plan to pass this on to your children? Why or why not?

13. Are the roles of men and women specifically defined in your family? If so, what are they?

14. Define and describe the most important (or most celebrated) holiday of your culture.

15. If you are from a culture that speaks English as a second language, do you speak your native language? If not, why? If so, will you teach your native language to any children you have?

16. How is physical contact viewed in your culture?

17. How is healthcare handled in your culture? When do you seek healthcare? Are there any healthcare traditions that are different from the US?

18. What is considered most respectful and disrespectful in your culture?

19. What would you say is, from your perspective, the most commonly held misconception about people of your culture?

20. Have you ever experienced racism? In what form?

21. What are the best and worst things about living in the USA?

22. Have you ever felt excluded based on your gender or culture?

Is there anything you would like others to know about you or your culture?

Thank you-

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