Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Write a two (2) page paper to identify and examine differing techniques for encouraging student par - STUDENT SOLUTION USA

Write a two (2) page paper to identify and examine differing techniques for encouraging student participation from all parents within the school community. Identify at least two common methods that may not work in a diverse school (and explain why they may not work) and at least two new ideas that meet needs of specific groups of parents (and explain why these are better suited to a diverse population).


Upload your Parent Involvement Reflection here by Friday, July 2nd @ 11:59pm.  


Your Parent Involvement Reflection is worth 4 points and will be assigned points using the following rubric:

4 points—Identifies two common methods and two unique ideas for parent participation and explains how each method may or may not meet the needs of diverse groups.

2 points—Identifies two common and two unique ideas for parent participation, but does not fully explain how each idea does or does not meet needs of diverse groups.

0 points—Does not identify two common and two unique ideas.

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