Chat with us, powered by LiveChat I need to make a reading log for Spanish 101 due Dec 6,2021 at 11:59 pm What and how much do I need - STUDENT SOLUTION USA

I need to make a reading log for Spanish 101 due Dec 6,2021 at 11:59 pm

What and how much do I need to read in Spanish?

This is the Reading Log Guideline to go by. Also, to get full points, remember to fill in all the sections of the Reading Log template:

What you read:

Full source citations please!

For physical reading materials such as a book: Title, author, publisher, date of publication, chapter and/or page numbers you read. Be specific.

For internet sites: Title, or name of the TV program or internet site. Provide the hyperlink along with the same information as for a physical publication such as title, author, publisher, release date, etc. At times, you will need to dig into the site to find out this information. For example, you might need to take a closer look at the bottom of the page or visit the site’s main page. Apart from the hyperlink, just provide as much info as you possibly can. Be specific.


Diario de Greg: La Escapada by Jeff Kinney. Published by Amulet Books. Pages 1-47

Harry Potter y la Piedra Filosofal Written by J.K. Rowling, Translated by Alicia Dellepiane Rawson, Chapter 10: Halloween, Pages 465-480

Internet: Las Fábricas mas fascinantes del Mundo, YouTube documentary, Discovery Channel, Español, Dec 7, 2018 + hyperlink


Include at least 5 new words per entry, their English translation, and their definition (in Spanish please). For example:

  • Naturaleza (Nature) – Conjunto de las cosas que existen en el mundo o que se producen o modifican sin intervención del ser humano.
  • Cuerpo (Body) – Conjunto de las partes que forman un ser vivo.
  • Promesa (Promise) – Ofrecimiento solemne que hace una persona de cumplir con rectitud y fidelidad un determinado deber, empleando para ello una fórmula fija.
  • Porcelana (Porcelain) – Loza fina, traslúcida y de color blanco que está compuesta de caolín, feldespato y cuarzo y se usa para hacer objetos finos.

In addition, you will also need to include the page(s) where you found those new words.  If it’s a documentary or movie, where exactly they are by saying the time. For example:  “Naturaleza:” 12:04 (this means that the word “naturaleza” was said on minute 12, and 4 seconds).


You will include your own personal observations of what you have been reading. Enter meaningful comments for the different entries, days or weeks, and avoid always writing the same comments. For each entry, enter a comment, and do not leave the box empty. 

Find below some of the most common comments you can use as a guide when completing “Comments:”

  • List the words you struggled with; for example, the difficulty you encountered pronouncing certain sounds, such as the double “r,” the “j,” diphthongs, etc. Provide specific examples, such as “I had difficulty pronouncing: lagartija, aeropuerto, etc.” 
  • If you found the reading to be interesting, useful, helpful, boring, etc. and provide your claim.
  • From the new words you learned, can you come up with an example?
  • “I had to read it slowly to make sure I was reading each word correctly.”
  • “I read it a couple of times to make sure I understood most of it or everything I read.”
  • A different word order from Spanish. Provide specific example(s). 
  • If you came across some cognates, list them. For example: librería doesn’t mean library but bookstore. Biblioteca is library.
  • “I’ve found many words that I recognized instantly, such as…..”
  • I need to work on specific sounds (Ll, rr, j, g), Technique, Rhythm, Ear Training, Sight Reading, Fluency, etc.
  • If you read something from the internet, what source was that?
  • “Some parts and words I still struggle with, such as XXX but I’m getting better with reading in general.”
  • “I’ve found many words that I recognized instantly. Some of these words were XXX.”
  • I have no major issues reading, but the grammar constructions were somewhat complex for me. I’ll choose an easier to read text next time. 
  • Author’s tone…


To get full points, add the number of minutes you have read throughout the month, and enter the information next to “TOTAL number of minutes read.”

Reading resources:

Here are Reading Resources for you to check out.

Grading Rubric:

  • 100% if you read in Spanish at least 100 minutes per month, complete all fields in the Reading Log Template, and submit it by the due date. 10 points will be deducted for each missing field: Date, Title, Comments, Number of minutes, and Total number of minutes read.
  • Readings from a movie, a documentary or a website with subtitles/transcripts can represent up to 50% of the entire Reading Log, this includes Netflix. If the student has only used one specific source, let’s say Netflix, for the entire Reading Log, then up to 25% will be deducted. The Reading Log has to have a variety of readings.
  • The Reading Log has to show consistent number of minutes throughout the weeks, and not all of the readings being done on one sitting. If you do all your readings just on one or a couple of nights, it defeats the purpose of developing a reading habit, and you will get a 10% penalization.
  • Vocabulary: For each entry enter a minimum of 5 vocabulary words that are new to you along with their definition and translation into Spanish. Up to 10 points will be deducted for missing either of these pieces of information.
  • A late Reading Log will have a 10% penalization each day it is late. Any Reading Log submitted ten days after the due date, will not be accepted.
  • Refrain from using the same reading for the entire month. For a long book, you can read a few chapters, and then in the following Reading Log, you can resume the same reading but on the following chapters. Instead, you are expected to try to read either 2, 3 or 4 different readings throughout the month. You can use the same reading for two consecutive weeks or 50% of the Reading Log. Up to 25% will be deducted for not using a variety of readings.
  • Since this Reading Log is scheduled on the last week of class, no late Reading Logs will be accepted after the due date.

Reading Log

Date you


What you read









































TOTAL Number of Minutes:

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