SWK208- Generalist Practice I
Lesson 13 Discussion.
After reviewing the information about termination, please consider the following questions for this discussion post:
· What does a Social Worker need to be aware of when it comes time for termination with a client?
· What would be some of the benefits/challenges to the different types of termination (forced, planned, and unanticipated)?
To receive full credit, you will need to post one substantial post. Each discussion post should be a minimum of 200 words or one page.
Termination of the Social Worker-Client Relationship https://nlcsw.ca/sites/default/files/inline-files/Termination%20of%20the%20Social-Worker%20Client%20Relationship_1.pdf
The Importance of Closure https://www.socialworker.com/feature-articles/practice/The_Importance_of_Closure/
Challenging Endings: https://www.bu.edu/ssw/files/2017/07/Gelman-et-al-Challenging-Endings-First-Year-MSW-Interns-Experiences-with-forced-termination-and-discussion-points-for-supervisory-guidance.pdf
Lesson 14 Discussion.
Please review the readings and consider the following in your response:
· Please share your thoughts about telemental health after reviewing these articles.
· What are some of the benefits and challenges of telemental health?
To receive full credit, you will need to post one substantial post. Each discussion post should be a minimum of 200 words or one page.
Telemental Health: Legal Considerations for Social Workers: https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Legal/HIPAA-Help-For-Social-Workers/Telemental-Health
The Continued Growth of Telemental Health; https://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/MA18p18.shtml
SWK103- Social Work and Deviant Behavior
Lesson 14 Discussion
You are working as a social worker in an emergency room of a hospital. Jessica, age 19, has been brought in for physical assault. She discloses to you that her boyfriend came home intoxicated, became angry with her, resulting in him breaking her nose and cracking two of her ribs. While she is reluctant to discuss the history of domestic abuse in her relationship, she does say that this is not the first time, however, it is the worst time. What social work interventions would you utilize to help Jessica?
This discussion should be a minimum of 1 page (200 words).
Chapter 9 of the textbook
A Day in the Life of a Prison Social Worker By Dorlee https://www.socialwork.career/2011/12/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-prison-social-worker.html