Chat with us, powered by LiveChat #Please refer the textbook attached for the course Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 - STUDENT SOLUTION USA

#Please refer the textbook attached for the course

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 

You should not, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace. 

 Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.



Organizational Leadership




Organizational Leadership

Edited by

John Bratton

Los Angeles

New Delhi

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© John Bratton 2020

First published 2020

Editorial Arrangement © John Bratton 2020

Foreword © Paul Gray 2020. Introduction © John Bratton 2020.
Chapter 1 © John Bratton 2020. Chapter 2 © John Bratton,

George Boak 2020. Chapter 3 © Joanne Murphy, John Bratton
2020. Chapter 4 © David Denham, John Bratton 2020. Chapter 5
© Roslyn Larkin, John Burgess, Alan Montague 2020. Chapter 6


© John Bratton 2020. Chapter 7 © John Bratton 2020. Chapter 8
© John Bratton 2020. Chapter 9 © John Bratton 2020. Chapter 10

© Kirsteen Grant 2020. Chapter 11 © Bernadette Scott 2020.
Chapter 12 © Peter Watt, George Boak, Jeff Gold 2020. Chapter

13 © John Bratton, Helen Francis 2020. Chapter 14 © Lois
Farquharson 2020. Chapter 15 © Colin Lindsay 2020. Chapter 16
© Andrew Bratton 2020. Chapter 17 © Markku Sotarauta 2020.

Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private
study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may be
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2019946177

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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-1-5264-6011-0

ISBN 978-1-5264-6012-7 (pbk)

Editor: Ruth Stitt

Development editor: Laura Walmsley

Assistant editor: Martha Cunneen

Production editor: Sarah Cooke

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The honest man, though e’er sae poor,

Is king o’ men for a’ that!

(Robert Burns)

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go

(African proverb)



Praise for Organizational Leadership

‘Organizational Leadership brings together a number of
leading scholars to provide a comprehensive perspective
on leadership. This text offers an accessible exploration
of different aspects of leadership and the many
challenges and issues facing contemporary leaders. By
analysing and critiquing different leadership theories and
practices, Organizational Leadership encourages
students to take a critical approach to effectively evaluate
how leaders operate.’

Jennifer Robertson, Associate Professor of Human
Resource Management, Western University, Canada

‘A book that covers all facets of leadership, in theory and
in practice, with a critical approach that will benefit
students and practitioners. Its comprehensive coverage
of contemporary and timely leadership themes make it a
valuable resource for effective people management in
today’s diverse and complex workplaces.’

Lori Rilkoff, Human Resources and Safety Director,
City of Kamloops, Canada



Summary of Contents
1. Your Guide to Using this Book
2. About the Contributors
3. Acknowledgements
4. List of Figures
5. List of Tables
6. List of Videos
7. Foreword
8. Introduction
9. Part I Contextualizing Leadership

1. 1 The Nature of Leadership
2. 2 Strategic Management, Innovation and Leadership
3. 3 Power and Leadership
4. 4 Culture and Leadership
5. 5 Ethics and Leadership

10. Part II Leadership Theories
1. 6 Trait, Behaviour and Contingency Theories of

2. 7 Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
3. 8 Relational and Distributed Theories of Leadership

11. Part III Managing People and Leadership
1. 9 Human Resource Management and Leadership
2. 10 Talent Management and Leadership
3. 11 Performance Management and Leadership
4. 12 Leadership Development

12. Part IV Contemporary Leadership
1. 13 Followers, Communication and Leadership
2. 14 Gender and Leadership
3. 15 Leadership in Public Sector Organizations
4. 16 Leading Pro-Environmental Change
5. 17 Leadership for Urban and Regional Innovation

13. Bibliography
14. Index



Detailed Contents
Your Guide to Using this Book

In the book you’ll find
On the website you’ll find
For lecturers

About the Contributors
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Videos

Objectives of this book
A framework for studying leadership
The organization of this book

Part I Contextualizing Leadership
1 The Nature of Leadership

Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
Defining leadership
Leadership and management
Mapping the changing study of leadership
Critical leadership studies
The employment relationship
Chapter review questions
Further reading

2 Strategic Management, Innovation and Leadership
Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
Strategic management
A framework for studying strategy and leadership
The nature of innovation
The external and internal contexts driving innovation
Leaders’ roles in innovation processes
Evaluation and criticism


Chapter review questions
Further reading

3 Power and Leadership
Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
Conceptualizing power
Different perspectives on power
Power and management
Chapter review questions
Further reading

4 Culture and Leadership
Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
The nature of national cultures
Understanding organizational culture
Perspectives on organizational culture
Organizational culture, climate and leadership
Evaluation and criticism
Chapter review questions
Further reading

5 Ethics and Leadership
Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
The nature of ethical leadership
Philosophical approaches to ethical leadership
Dimensions of ethical leadership
Organizations behaving badly: failures in ethical
Context, the rhetoric and reality
Whistleblowing: is it responsible behaviour?
Millennial leadership, digitization and artificial
Chapter review questions


Further reading
Part II Leadership Theories

6 Trait, Behaviour and Contingency Theories of

Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
Leader traits and attributes
Leader behaviour and styles
Contingency theories of leadership
Chapter review questions
Further reading

7 Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
The nature of charismatic leadership
Neo-theories of charismatic leadership
Transformational leadership
Critiquing charismatic and transformational
Chapter review questions
Further reading

8 Relational and Distributed Theories of Leadership
Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
Classical relational studies
Contemporary theories of relational leadership
Positivist dyadic relational perspectives
Social constructionist group-level relational
The growth of distributed leadership
Practising distributed and shared leadership
Evaluation and criticism
Chapter review questions
Further reading


Part III Managing People and Leadership
9 Human Resource Management and Leadership

Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
The nature of human resource management
Scope and functions of human resource
Theorizing human resource management
Human resource management and leadership
Critiquing the human resource management
Chapter review questions
Further reading

10 Talent Management and Leadership
Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
The nature of talent and talent management
Leading and managing talent
The influence of ‘talented followership’ on co-
producing leadership
Collaborative talent management
Critiquing the talent management debate
Chapter review questions
Further reading

11 Performance Management and Leadership
Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
The nature and purpose of performance
Determinants of employee and organizational
Historical milestones in the development of
performance management
The performance management appraisal process
Modelling leadership and performance


Problems of methodology and theory
Criticism of individual performance appraisals
Chapter review questions
Further reading

12 Leadership Development
Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
Leader and leadership development in organizations
Reflection and critical thinking for leadership
What capabilities should leaders develop?
Approaches to leaders’ development
Approaches to the development of leadership in
Chapter review questions
Further reading

Part IV Contemporary Leadership
13 Followers, Communication and Leadership

Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
The nature of followership
Follower behaviour and personality
Follower behaviour and motivation
Dialogic conversation and leadership
Chapter review questions
Further reading

14 Gender and Leadership
Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
The nature of diversity
The glass ceiling, the labyrinth and the glass cliff
Gender pay gap
Women in global leadership
Millennial women and leadership


Future challenges for practices of gender diversity
and inclusion
Supporting women to lead
Chapter review questions
Further reading

15 Leadership in Public Sector Organizations
Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
Problematizing public sector leadership
Distinctive challenges associated with public sector
The new public management and the rise of
transformational leadership
Beyond transformational leadership: shared and
distributed leadership
Challenges of distributed leadership in public sector
Leadership and performance in public sector
Chapter review questions
Further reading

16 Leading Pro-Environmental Change
Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
The nature of environmental sustainability
Employees’ pro-environmental behaviours and
environmental management systems
Environmental leadership, organizational change
and culture
Creating a sustainable workplace through human
resource practices
Employee voice in environmental sustainability
Critical perspectives on corporate-oriented
Chapter review questions


Further reading
17 Leadership for Urban and Regional Innovation

Chapter outline
Learning outcomes
The nature of place-based leadership for urban and
regional innovation
Regional innovation systems and strategies
Placed-based leadership
Place-based leaders, knowledge producers and
decision makers
Generative leadership – a missing link in
transformative efforts
Criticism and exemplary research for place-based
Chapter review questions
Further reading




Your guide to using this book

Organizational Leadership has been developed with a number of
print and online features to help you succeed in your course.


In the Book You’ll Find:


Leadership in Action boxes
Short case studies demonstrate leadership approaches and
concepts in practice and introduce you to examples from around
the world.


Critical Insight boxes
Contemporary debates and examples are analysed through
different viewpoints and help you to develop your critical thinking


Pause and Reflect boxes
Short activities check your understanding as you progress through
each chapter.


Chapter Review Questions
End-of-chapter questions test your knowledge and help you to
identify areas for revision.


Assignment Tasks
Longer activities at the end of each chapter develop your
research, analytical and problem-solving skills.


Further Reading
Suggested book chapters and journal articles help you to build
your bibliography for assignments.


Case Study
An extended case study in each chapter provides a deeper insight
into how key leadership issues and ideas manifest in practice.


On the Website You’ll Find:



Watch video conversations with leaders sharing insights
into the reality of leadership practice across a diverse range
of organizations. Find out about:

how leaders can incorporate social good into their
business models
leading teams on the front lines in Iraq
challenges and opportunities for women in leadership
fostering a shared organizational culture in a
multinational enterprise
collective leadership in the NHS
and much more!

See the full list of videos on pages XXIX–XXX.


Case Studies
Read SAGE Business Cases to find out about leadership in
practice around the world:

Sydney Brian-Peters: A Case Study in Gender and
Leadership Issues
Transformational Leadership—Steve Jobs
Now What? Now Who? A Mexican Small Family
Business in Transition
Leader–Member Exchange Theory: Barack Obama
The BMW Group’s Journey to Leadership in Sustainable
Development Practice


Further Reading
Access SAGE journal articles to delve deeper into the field
of leadership and prepare for assignments.

Online resources can be accessed at See inside the front cover of
this book for your access code.


For Lecturers
A selection of tried and tested teaching resources have been
developed to accompany this text and support your course. Visit to set up or use your
instructor login and access:

A video teaching guide with notes and questions to help
you make the most of the video conversations in class.
PowerPoint slides that can be adapted and edited to suit
your own teaching needs.
Testbank questions offering a variety of multiple choice
questions to use with your students.
SAGE business cases to use in class or as material for

All resources have been designed and formatted to upload easily
into your LMS or VLE. Visit
for more details.



About the Contributors

John Bratton
holds visiting professorships at both Strathclyde University,
Glasgow, and at Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland. He
has more than 30 years’ experience of teaching a range of
organizational behaviour, leadership and HRM courses, at
both undergraduate and graduate levels, mainly in the UK
and Canada, but also in Finland and Singapore. His research
interests traverse the sociology of work and management. In
addition to editing this book, John is author of Japanization at
Work: Managerial Studies in the 1990s; co-author of
Workplace Learning: A Critical Introduction (2004); co-author
of Organizational Leadership (with Keith Grint and Debra
Nelson) (2005); co-author of Human Resource Management:
Theory and Practice (with Jeff Gold) (2017), now in its sixth
edition; co-author of Capitalism and Classical Social Theory
(with David Denham) (2019), now in its third edition, and
author of Work and Organizational Behaviour (2020), now in
its fourth edition.

George Boak
is a Senior Lecturer in Leadership and Innovation at York St
John University. He has worked on aspects of individual and
organizational development for 30 years, with managers and
professionals from a wide range of public sector and large
private sector companies in manufacturing, banking and
energy, as well as with smaller companies. He currently
works with experienced managers and professionals on York
Business School’s executive MBA programmes.

John Burgess
is Professor of Human Resource Management at RMIT
University, Melbourne, Australia. His recent research has
included human capacity development in Asia, employment
conditions in the aged care sector, HRM programmes of
multinational enterprises, graduate work readiness and
transitional labour markets.

Andrew Bratton


is a Lecturer in Human Resource Management at Queen
Margaret University, Edinburgh. He previously worked as a
Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Associate in Business
Process Improvement and Knowledge Management, at the
University of Strathclyde, in a Microsoft technology
consultancy company. His research interests include
innovative and sustainable workplaces, change management
and employee voice. His current research centres on
knowledge management and the application of lean and agile
practices in small and medium-sized enterprises.

David Denham,
prior to his retirement, was Senior Lecturer in Sociology at
Wolverhampton University, where he has subsequently been,
until 2018, Honorary Research Fellow within the Faculty of
Social Sciences. He has taught a wide variety of sociology
courses over a career of 35 years. David has published
articles on the sociology of law, criminology, and the sociology
of sport, and is co-author with Lorraine Wolhunter and Neil
Olley of Victimology: Victimization and Victim’s Rights and co-
author (with John Bratton) of Capitalism and Classical Social
Theory (3rd edn) (2019).

Lois Farquharson
is the Deputy Dean (Education & Professional Practice) in
The Faculty of Management and The Business School at
Bournemouth University. As an experienced leader, she
demonstrates a strong scholarly and practice-based
understanding of delivering effective diversity and inclusion in
dynamic organizational contexts. Her areas of research and
knowledge exchange work are focused on leadership
practice, change management, socio-emotional intelligence
and good practice HRM. She is also a certified facilitator for
the Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDi), the Emotional
Quotient Inventory (EQi) and Appreciative Inquiry (AI).

Helen Francis
is Professor of People and Organization at Edinburgh Napier
Business School and holds honorary professorships at St
Andrews University and at the University of Strathclyde.
Helen started her career in personnel management and
industrial relations. When she moved into academia she
completed a PhD in the role of language and strategic


change. She has played key roles in research, teaching and
commercial developments in public, private and not-for profit
sectors. Helen has published in a wide range of academic
and practitioner journals/textbooks, calling for the pursuit of
more ‘balanced’ HR agendas. She is a Fellow of the
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Jeff Gold
is Professor of Organization Learning at York and Leeds
Business Schools. He is a strong advocate of the need for
actionable knowledge that is rigorously developed but
relevant for practice. He has designed and delivered a wide
range of seminars, programmes and workshops on talent
management and development, change, strategic learning,
futures and foresight, management and leadership
development, with a particular emphasis on participation and
distribution. He has worked closely with organizations such
as Skipton Building Society, Hallmark Cards, the NHS, the
Police Service, Leeds Bradford Boiler Company and a host of
others. He is the co-author of CIPD’s Leadership and
Management Development (with Richard Thorpe and Alan
Mumford), The Gower Handbook of Leadership and
Management Development (with Richard Thorpe and Alan
Mumford), Human Resource Development (with Julie
Beardwell, Paul Iles, Rick Holden and Jim Stewart) and
Human Resource Management (with John Bratton), both
published by Palgrave.

Kirsteen Grant
is Associate Professor of Work and Employment at Edinburgh
Napier University. Kirsteen draws on complementary
backgrounds in organizational practice and academia. She
has worked extensively in areas of organizational,
professional, leadership and talent development. Her
research interests centre on professional, responsible and
precarious work; the changing nature and expectations of
work; leadership; talent management; and workplace skills
utilization. Kirsteen is passionate about bridging the gap
between academic research and professional practice. She is
a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel
and Development (CIPD) and Senior Fellow of the Higher
Education Academy (HEA).


Roslyn Larkin
is a Human Resource Management/Employment Relations
lecturer at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Current
research interests include ethical leadership, knowledge
management in clusters, ethical AI across industry and
university graduate destinations.

Colin Lindsay
is Professor of Work and Employment Studies at the
University of Strathclyde, Scotland. He has published more
than 50 books and peer-reviewed articles on public policy and
management and public governance issues. At the University
of Strathclyde, he teaches at undergraduate, postgraduate
and doctoral level on public management and employment

Alan Montague
is Programme Director for the Masters of Human Resource
Management at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Alan’s
research, experience and publications are linked to
skill/vocational shortages, government policies relating to the
links between education and industry, and
employment/education programme policy development.
Leadership and workforce planning, critical commentary on
corporate ethics and the impact of artificial intelligence on
organizations and jobs are the focus of more recent work.

Joanne Murphy
is a Senior Lecturer in Queen’s University Management
School, Belfast, and Academic Director of Queen’s University
William J. Clinton Leadership Institute. Her research focuses
on how public, private and third-sector organizations, situated
in environments of violent conflict, manage and function
during violence and can contribute to building peace. She has
published widely on issues of change, leadership and
extreme contexts. Her new monograph, Managing in Conflict
and Transition, is due for publication in 2020.

Bernadette Scott
is a Senior Lecturer at Glasgow School for Business and
Society (Glasgow Caledonian University). In an academic
career spanning 28 years, she has designed and led many
business programmes at home and overseas and is currently
working with the African Leadership College in Mauritius to


deliver Business Management education. Her PhD looks at
employability and talent management and how these
concepts have an impact on graduates. She is regularly
asked to contribute to global trade publications, and recent
journal outputs have looked at graduate employment and
graduate talent management.

Markku Sotarauta
is Professor of Regional Development Studies in the Faculty
of Management and Business at Tampere University, Finland.
He specializes in leadership, innovation systems and policies,
and institutional entrepreneurship in city and regional
development. Markku has published widely on these issues in
international journals and edited books. His latest publication,
Leadership and the City: Power, Strategy and Networks in the
Making of Knowledge Cities (2018), is published by
Routledge. He has worked with the Finnish Parliament, many
Finnish ministries, Sweden’s Innovation Agency as well as
cities and regions in Finland and in other countries.

Peter Watt
is Senior Lecturer in Management and Organization and
Director of Research at York Business School, York St John
University. His research explores the cultural, philosophical
and theological underpinnings of managerial and
organizational practice and thought.




The initial idea for this book originated from Kirsty Smy, Senior
Commissioning Editor, of SAGE Publications, who suggested I
should develop a proposal. The scope of the book was informed
by discussions with Kirsteen Grant, of Edinburgh Napier
University. The editorial work that ensued was far more
challenging than I had anticipated and I would like to take this
opportunity to acknowledge numerous individuals for their
commitment to the project and help in bringing it to a successful
conclusion. I am indebted to the other chapter authors who have
contributed to this book. Each brought their own research and
perspective of leadership to their chapter. Collectively, I believe
they have helped to produce a distinctive book that offers
undergraduates a readable, context-sensitive, nuanced and
reflexive approach to studying contemporary leadership.

On behalf of all the chapter authors, I would like to thank the
following reviewers for their invaluable feedback:

Linda Alker, Principal Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan
Jane Boeske, Associate Lecturer, University of Southern
Carol Bond, Lecturer, RMIT University
Dave Chesley, Senior Lecturer, Leeds Beckett University
Dean Horsman, Senior Lecturer, Leeds Becket University
Heather Kent, Teaching Fellow, University of Sussex
Frank Meier, PhD Fellow, Copenhagen Business School
Pamella Murray, Senior Lecturer, University of Worcester
Jan Myers, Associate Professor, Newcastle Business School
Emma Roberts, former Associate Head of School (Learning &
Teaching), Leeds Trinity University
Sandra Romenska, Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of
School, St Andrews University
Nataliya Rumyantseva, Senior Lecturer, University of


Jon Salkeld, Principal Lecturer and Director of Corporate and
UK Partnerships, Anglia Ruskin University
Norbert Steigenberger, Associate Professor, Jonkoping
Geoff Thomas, Professor, University of Surrey

I would also like to thank all the participants who gave their time
and shared their experience and perspective on leadership during
the production of the book’s leadership videos. These videos will
not only accompany the book but form part of SAGE’s wider
leadership video collection, providing students with a glimpse into
the reality of leadership, beyond the rhetoric often learned in the
lecture hall. Thank you to Adam Foskett, Helen Francis, Peter
Goddard, Paul Gray, Sarah Hawkins, Stephen Moir, Beverley
Petrossian, Paul Stanley, Catherine Thomson, Diane Vincent and
Erinn Woodside. Additionally, I would like to thank Pamela
McCloskey and Carmen Chai for developing the book’s other
online resources.

I am most grateful to the team at SAGE Publications for making
this book possible. In particular, I am beholden to our
Development Editor, Laura Walmsley, for her encouragement and
support over the length of the project, and good advice for
improving the book. I thank, too, the cover designer, Francis
Kenney for working with me to produce such a symbolic and eye-
catching cover for the book. I also appreciate Ruth Stitt, Sarah
Cooke and Martha Cunneen.

John Bratton, Edinburgh



List of Figures
0.1 Leadership as an interconnected process 5
1.1 The classic Fayolian management cycle 17
2.1 The three traditional poles of a strategic plan 37
2.2 A framework for linking management strategy and
leadership 38
2.3 Stages of the innovation process 49
4.1 The three levels of organizational culture 86
4.2 Climate as an artefact of organizational culture 88
6.1 A diagrammatic representation of the leadership grid 136
7.1 The augmented effect of transformational leadership 161
8.1 The incremental effect of group size on relationships 173
8.2 A taxonomy of relational theories 176
8.3 The vertical dyad 177
8.4 Relational leadership processes 182
8.5 Practising distributed/shared and team leadership 187
9.1 Kolb’s experiential cycle of learning 203
9.2 A framework for studying key HR policies and practices
9.3 The Harvard model of HRM 209
11.1 The performance management cycle 249
11.2 A framework for determinants of performance
management 251
12.1 Informal and planned leadership development 271
13.1 A two-dimensional taxonomy of follower behaviour 298
13.2 Expectancy theory 305
13.3 Shein’s ‘road map’ of conversation 308
13.4 Balancing advocacy and inquiry 309
16.1 A strategy for creating a sustainable workplace 370
17.1 The relationship between place leaders, other actors
and regional development and innovation 396



List of Tables
1.1 Competing definitions of organizational leadership 14
1.2 Summary of cited distinction between management and
leadership 20
1.3 Development of the main theories of leadership 22
3.1 Traditional and non-traditional conceptualizations of
power 65
5.1 Assessing the ethical behaviour in work organizations
5.2 Classifying ethical behaviour in organizations 111
6.1 Key Attributes Related to Leadership Effectiveness 129
6.2 Path–goal theory in action 140
6.3 Situational leadership in action 142
8.1 The traditional and high-performance team models 185
9.1 The Storey model of HRM 211
9.2 HRM and transformational leadership behaviours 214
11.1 A hierarchical taxonomy of meta and specific
behaviours 258
12.1 Revans’ classic principles of …

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