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Discuss the topic that was most interesting to you during this class. Describe at least one way that you plan to apply the concept in the future.
—focus on leader as a communicator—–
—–You have learned that leaders have a lot to consider when effectively crafting communications strategies and implementing communications systems and policies throughout an organization. Clearly, leaders must engage in meaningful exchanges with employees to build trusting relationships and collaborative environments. Conveying important messages is just as critical as soliciting and receiving valuable feedback through upward communications.—–

—-When considering the communications process, leaders must consider choices of media for the message and pay close attention to the implications behind the use of electronic communications available today. Leaders must also pay attention to nonverbal communication cues from the listeners and confirm the recipients understanding of the messages as well. It is crucial to use the underscore and explore a strategy for maximum effectiveness. This requires careful selection of important themes tied to organizational success and strategic objectives via a meaningful exchange with followers.——

—Topics covered included:—

1. Communication in Leadership
2. The Communication Process and Effective Listening
3. Communication Channels
4. Communication Strategies and Electronic Communications

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