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General instructions
You should try to write the review in continuous text. Start by saying which article you are evaluating, title, author, year of publication and journal. Then you should briefly present the content of the article and finally try to answer the questions that are posed.

Use cover page and in gereal follow the APA format f.ex. regarding titles, text alignment, division of paragraphs, text size and line spacing. To follow the APA format you can

Centralize first title and then use left alignment
Align text on both sides (justify)
Divide paragraphs either by one line or indent
Use text size 10 to 12
Use space 1 12 line


In your review you should answer the following questions:

1) Write about the theoretical background of the research, i.e. describe the theory used in the research. Here you should also assess the theorys main weaknesses and strengths.

2)What hypotheses are being tested in the research?

3) Evaluate the main measurements in the research.
In other words, what are the independent (i.e. explanatory) and dependent (i.e. outcome) variables in this research? Do you think that these variables sufficiently capture the concepts they are meant to measure (estimate the validity of the measures). If the research also includes mediation variables, you should also discuss those.

4) What are the main findings?

5) Do the findings support the hypotheses?

6) What is the article/research strengths and weaknesses?

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