Chapter 6:
“Stress refers to the pressure life exerts on us and the way this pressure makes us feel.” – Bruce McEwen.
1. Briefly identify your top stressor at the moment; what is one simple behavior change you can make to lessen/manage/remove the stress (be specific, i.e. think of the S.M.A.R.T. goals from Chapter 1)?
2. Did any of the stress-busting techniques from the chapter surprise you? Why or why not?
IT doesnt have to be very long here is an example
1. My biggest stressors would be unplanned interruptions in my day. Whatever it be, a flat tire, a day off at work, etc, really any unplanned changed to a scheduled structure. I think one thing I can do to lessen the stress would be to mentally realize and truly believe stress won’t make the situation better, nor will having an attitude. I think I could use the S.M.A.R.T. strategies when unplanned interruptions occur.
2. I don’t think any of them really “surprised” me. However, I think I could apply more to my own personal life to become a healthier and happy human. Exercise is something I try to implement very frequently, and it helps me relieve many stresses and refocus on my day.
Discussion: Chapter 10: CVD, Cancer and Diabetes
Class, please watch the short video about CVD risks factors (hyperlinked page below)
Post a discussion response to the following:
o In our country, we see that obesity is on the rise.
o Based upon your reading for this week (using the CDC website in this module) and watching the video, suggest three changes in lifestyle behaviors a person can take who is fifteen pounds overweight with moderately high blood sugar and arthritic knees.
o Support your suggestions with evidence from the text and web.
o Posts must be thoughtful, supported with research if you cite it, and between 200-400 words.
Heart Disease Risk Factors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRsLryQ57R4
Example 1
The most obvious and best suggestion would be to start working out. The important thing is to start it gradually, and do not overwork yourself. Let’s start out with choosing what kind of exercise/sport is the best given the information that we have. The best workout/sport for someone who has arthritis is definitely swimming, as it allows the weakened joints to be more flexible underwater. If the person cannot swim, then I would also suggest yoga, which is one of the best forms of exercise for people with arthritis. Here is a link that goes over the benefits of yoga for people with arthritis: https://www.hopkinsarthritis.org/patient-corner/disease-management/yoga-for-arthritis/ (Links to an external site.)
Another suggestion would be to eat on a schedule. This website (https://www.everydayhealth.com/type-2-diabetes/diet/secrets-of-weight-control/ (Links to an external site.)) states that everyone, especially people with high blood sugar, should eat 3 times a day. The ADA also recommends everyone to eat breakfast, as it provides you with energy to work out and lose weight.
Lastly, my last suggestion would be to change the foods that you eat. According to WebMD (https://www.webmd.com/diabetes/diabetic-diet-6-foods-control-blood-sugar (Links to an external site.)), some of the best foods to eat for dieting purposes that help lower blood sugar include vegetables, low-calorie drinks such as water infused with fruits and vegetables, melons or berries, whole-grain higher-fiber foods such as dried beans, peas, and lentils, unsaturated fats such as olive oil, and forms of protein like cottage cheese, eggs, and peanut butter.

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