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“Write your Final Interdisciplinary Research Paper. This research paper should include an overview of your Interdisciplinary question, and provide evidence supporting an argument youve crafted based on research into this inquiry question. It should show substantial revisions from your rough draft. For the essay:
– You should include both supporting and contrary evidence and sources.
– Two or more disciplines should be clearly represented.
– You should also include a References page and include in-text citations according to APA format.
– There should be a minimum of 6 sources (should include sources from your Annotated Bibliography).
– The essay should be 5-8 pages, not including references or title page, double-spaced, and use 12pt, standard font.
You will submit this assignment in the assignment Turnitin which will provide feedback to you on your use of citations and your ability to paraphrase, summarize, and quote appropriately.
After you submit your rough draft, the instructor will provide general comments to help you in your revision process. You are responsible for making in-depth changes and seeking help from your instructor, tutoring, the librarian, or online resources if needed.”

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