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Knowing that science is at the heart of the questions children ask and topics that they
are interested in, this assignment asks you to: 1) select one article from the list
provided, 2) discuss how you will use this information to plan an activity aligned to an
early learning standard that you select, and 3) use the topic that you selected in Unit 1
to help you focus, direct and plan the activity.

A. Activity Plan Preparation
1. Based on your topic selected in Unit 1, choose one article from the Unit 2
Assignment: Activity Plan Article Selections for your activity plan. You
must use an article from these selections to receive credit for this
2. Provide a citation for the article in APA 7 format.
3. In your own words: a) summarize the main idea of the article that you will
use in your activity plan, and b) Provide an example of how the article idea
can deepen child learning about your topic.
4. Choose one early learning standard (infants through 8 years) that you will
use for this activity plan. You may choose the standard from your home
states standards or from the Connecticut Early Learning and
Development Standards (CTELDS).
B. Activity Plan
Describe your activity plan with the following elements:
1. Name the topic: List your topic selection from Unit 1.
2. Name the activity. Provide a descriptive activity name.
3. Describe the activity. What are you asking children to do?
CHS250 STEM in the Early
Childhood Education Classroom
Unit 2 Assignment: Activity Plan4. Write the selected early learning standard. Include the text of the
standard and the source/state. Refer to the unit optional resources to find
websites for state and CT early learning standards.
5. Identify learning goal. Refer to your topic and use the early learning
standard that you selected for this lesson to write one learning goal. The
learning goal should describe what the children will learn, know, or be able
to do as a result of the lesson. Briefly explain how the learning goal
connects to the topic and early learning standard.
6. Identify vocabulary words: Identify and list 3-5 vocabulary words that
relate to your topic, will be used with the children during the activity, and
will build their understanding of the concept(s).
7. Identify materials: List concept-related materials for childrens hands-on
learning about the topic.
8. Describe community and family involvement: Briefly and explicitly describe
one idea for how you could involve the family and community in childrens
learning about the topic.
Submit a Word document in APA 7 format (with Title Page and Reference Page).
Minimum two (2) pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages.

Based on your identified topic, select one article from the following choices:

Ashbrook, P. (2018). Introducing children to phenology. Science &
Children, 55(8), 1819
Ashbrook, P. (2016). Getting deep with documentation. Science &
Children, 54(3), 28.
Ashbrook, P. (2014). Leaf it to nature. Science & Children, 52(2), 2627.
Ashbrook, P. (2014). Shape exploration: another dimension. Science &
Children, 51(5), 3031.
Ashbrook, P. (2013). Life Science. Science & Children, 50(6), 3031.
Ashbrook, P. (2012). Please touch museum. Science & Children, 50(4), 2829.
CHS250 STEM in the Early
Childhood Education Classroom
Unit 2 Assignment: Activity Plan Article
Ashbrook, P. (2011). A Sense of Place. Science & Children, 49(1), 30.
Ashbrook, P. (2011). Ongoing inquiry. Science & Children, 48(5), 2223.
Ashbrook, P. (2010). Investigable questions. Science & Children, 48(4), 2223.
Ashbrook, P. (2009). A reason to write. Science & Children, 47(3), 1718.
Ashbrook, P. (2007). Recording sensory words. Science & Children, 45(4), 18
Ashbrook, P. (2007). Birds in winter. Science & Children, 44(6), 1618.

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