Chat with us, powered by LiveChat A formal description is a helpful tool in slowing down and paying careful attention to the formal elements of a work. You will describe the form/shape, line, colour, texture, mass, volume and composition of a work of your choosing from within Chapters 1-1 - STUDENT SOLUTION USA

Formatting Guidelines:

1.  You must use a standard letter size page in portrait view (21.59cm x 27.94cm / 8 x 11).
2.  You must use either 1.5 or double spacing.
3.  You must use Times New Roman font, size 12. 
4.  You must use 3cm margins on all edges.
5.  You may indicate a paragraph change by either a line space or by indenting, BUT you must be consistent.
6.  Your paper is to be free of spelling and grammatical errors. You may use either English or American spelling, again you must be consistent.
7.  Cite dates as follows:  1832-1836; 15 July 1836; the fifteenth-century; c. 1500; fifteenth-century houses.
8.  Place quotations within double inverted commas; quotations within quotations in single inverted commas.  Quotations more than 6 lines long should start on the next line and use a single-spaced block quote format.
9.  Italicize the titles of books, journals, works of art, buildings, and theses. Do not underline them.
10.  You are to use the Chicago Style for referencing the sources of your information.
11.  Your paper is to be submitted in either .doc, .docx, or PDF format only.
Due Date:

Due Week 4, on 4 June 2021 – Look at the Schedule for the specific due date and time.
Grading Rubric for Written Papers:

Regarding the quality of the paper:
1. Is this paper clearly written?
2. Is it written in formal, academic language appropriate to the subject?
3. Are the citations appropriate/overused or underused?
4. Is there evidence of original thought?
5. Is this a work of such high standard that even with some editing, it could be published in a professional journal?

Thus, papers will be graded to the following rubric:

A+ Excellent work; clear, flawless, engagingly written, well organized, logical, and demonstrating a clear command of the topic and showing original insights in the interpretation. The work exceeds all the minimum requirements of the assignment and shows a sophisticated thesis that is well supported by evidence. Demonstrates the ability to critically analyze and/or synthesize issues and problems. There is clear evidence of advanced research. There are virtually no problems with writing style, grammar or spelling. In other words, it is impeccable in every measure or expectation.

A Exhibits almost all of the characteristics of the A+ paper but with some minor flaws in argument.

B+ The work is very good. It is well written and organized. It meets and often exceeds the minimum requirements of the assignment with frequent flashes of original thought. There is evidence of an advanced understanding of the material and evidence of attempts to critically analyze and/or synthesize issues and problems. There is clear evidence of advanced research. There are very few problems with writing style, grammar or spelling.

B Exhibits almost all of the characteristics of the B+ paper but has slight problems with the understanding of the issues and problems.

C+ The work is acceptable. It is generally clear and easy to read and meets and sometimes exceeds all of the minimum requirements of the assignment. There is evidence of a basic if unambitious or underdeveloped understanding of the material with limited analysis. There is clear evidence of basic research and/or analytical skills but there are some problems with the writing style, grammar or spelling that exceed those for the B+ to B range.

C The work is acceptable but has slight issues with clarity. It is not always easy to read but meets or sometimes exceeds the minimum requirements of the assignment. There is slightly less of an understanding of the material and there are attempts at analysis. There is clear evidence of basic research skills.

D The work is marginal. It meets only the minimum requirements of the assignment. There is evidence of only a simplistic understanding of the material. There is limited evidence of research and/or analytical skills. There are significant problems with writing style, grammar, or spelling.

F The work is unsatisfactory. It does not meet the minimum requirements of the assignment and it fails to grasp even the most basic of concepts.

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