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In this discussion, please choose and respond to two of the prompts that follow. Topic prompts are generally comprised of several sub-questions, of which all must be addressed. Responses should be in original wording and contain a few images or videos to enhance the posting. The inclusion of researched information from supplemental resources is highly encouraged (cited in MLA format below your answers). Remember that you are expected to read postings created by classmates and the instructor and thoughtfully comment on a few of them as well. Your participation will enable us to learn from and through each other.

Please include your selected topic questions above your responses.

Topic 1: Using external sources for basic research (beyond just Wikipedia), select a major Native American tribe or nation and briefly describe its culture and history. Consider questions such as these: Where did they originally settle and migrate to over time? What were some of their cultural practices? Who were their enemies and allies?

Topic 2: Explain the circumstances surrounding both the Battle of the Little Bighorn and the Massacre at Wounded Knee and describe what happened at each. Who were some key historical figures involved in both? What were the larger consequences of these two events?

Topic 3: What is the basic summary of Frederick Jackson Turner’s frontier thesis? What are some aspects of the essay that made it so influential? What have been some criticisms levied against it over the years? Please read the excerpt of this essay provided as a PDF in this module.

Topic 4: How has popular culture depicted the western frontier period over the decades? How have Hollywood movies depicting the West changed over the years, and how have they been reflective of America’s evolving cultural values? Offer a few specific examples.

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