the referencence should be taken from the pdf attached and the refernce should be taken from the newspaper article which should be after feburary 2020
Instructions – The case study and the article should be minimum of 1 and half page
excluding the reference section and the exercise must have Harvard style
referencing. The articles which are to be refereed for this particular exercise are
attached below. By referring to the articles, the exercise needs to be done
accordingly. To open the attached pdf, double click on the icon
“Submission through Turnitin”
Exercise on Case Study
• Read: Nooyi, I.K. and Govindarajan, V. (2020) ‘Becoming a Better Corporate Citizen: How PepsiCo
moved toward a healthier future”, Harvard Business Review, Mar-Apr 2020
corporate citizenship.pdf
• This case focuses on the Performance with Purpose (PepsiCo) approach. For your exercise you need to
focus on Indra K. Nooyi
• Use the article (plus some additional desk research on Indra) and pre-recording material for Unit 4 (on
Blackboard) to discuss o the characteristics of her leadership during
her time in PepsiCo and o how you would frame her style of
leadership overall.
o support your discussion with reference to the article, additional desk research and the
prerecording (supporting material).
Exercise on Contemporary Article Review
What you need to do Contemporary Article Review
• Identify a contemporary article (newspaper/magazine) that made you think – “someone should do
something about that” or “that’s what frustrates me about the world or society”
• Answer:
o Explain/Expand on the problem/issue (find out more information on the problem/issue) o
What socially-driven business idea could you set-up that would help?
o What skills/characteristics, motivations or life experiences do you have that would help drive
and develop this idea further? What characteristics/skills might you need to develop? Support
your answer with reference to the pre-recording (supporting material).
o What are others around the world doing in this area?
Articles to refer to for case study and Contemporary article:
Global Citizen Dr SImon Wester on Leadership Styles Eco-leadership.docx
Topic.pdf Eco Leadership.epub Pearce.pdf
Instructions: The case study and the article should have Harvard style referencing. The
articles which are to be refereed for this particular exercise are attached below. By
referring to the articles, the exercise needs to be done accordingly. To open the attached
pdf, double click on the icon.
“Submission through Turnitin”
Case Study 2 Reflection Submission
Choose another case of an ethical/ social responsibility (e.g. sustainability) issue that arose in the context of an MNE
(e.g. that may have made the news – it doesn’t matter what the timeframe is). Compare and contrast the actions
taken by the chosen case with the Nespresso seminar case by addressing the following:
1. Taking a multi-stakeholder perspective – are there ethical dilemmas/conflicts that arise for the MNEs in the
context of the issues?
2. Given the conflicts that may have arisen, give your evaluation of the actions taken by the MNEs in
response to the issue?
3. Provide your assessment of how meaningful the social responsibility actions/decisions of the two MNEs
are in general.
Additional notes:
Provide a brief description of the chosen case issue in an appendix to your submission (this is in addition to
the main submission).
Draw on your own secondary/desk research of the two cases as well as academic literature/materials to
frame your discussion.
Format: 1 to 2 page document (excluding the appendix and references/bibliography) or 3-5 minute
podcast/video with powerpoint slides.
Use Harvard Style referencing
Exercise on Contemporary Article:
Choose a contemporary newspaper article of interest to you (published in the last
2 years, that is related to Unit 2. Produce a one-page document for the article that includes:
o Your summary of the key points of the article
o Your opinion on the subject matter – including critical thought,
evaluation or analysis – which you must support with
reference to the lecture materials for the unit AND academic
articles (e.g. an academic book from the library, an academic
article, a Harvard Business Review article, a California
Management Review article). Use more than one academic
Selecting the Newspaper Article and Examples of Articles
Selecting the Newspaper Article and Examples of Articles
The article must be published in the last 2 years
Search business sections of The Irish Times, Financial Times, The Economist, The Guardian etc.
Do not use tabloid newspaper articles.
Choose an article that is connected to Unit 2 on sustainability and responsibility
The article can be about a specific company or be more general on the topic.
Structuring Your Review
Structuring Your Review
One Page (excluding appendix):
1. Introduction: Your choice of article including the title of the article and source of article
2. Summary of key points of the article
3. Your opinion
Include here your criticisms/assessment/analysis of the points raised in the article, what you might
agree or disagree with and why. You could use examples of companies/countries/regions to develop
your argument. You must make reference to the lecture material for Unit 2 and academic academic
articles/book chapters).
4. Conclusions
5. Appendix (copy and paste the article here)
Articles to be used for the referencing for both the exercises:
Dark Side of IB.pdf Climate Change is
Not a Problem.pdf
Climate Change and
COVID-19 There Is More Than One Curve to Flatten.pdf
Sustainable Supply
Its Hard to be