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Shaunts discussion ( in APA format and at least 2-3 references)
Results from the StrengthsFinder assessment brief description
My strength finder assessment revealed my “Top 5 Themes” listed in this order:
1.Connectedness 2. Developer 3. Harmony 4. Consistency 5. Restorative
The strength finder assessment is an instrumental guide to identifying individualized strengths by a series of questions based on a self-assessment scale requiring answers from a range of strongly agree, neutral, and so on. The tool’s inventor is noted as Don Clifton.  After review of my individualized Clifton’s Strength Finder calculations, I consider this a pretty precise mechanism.
Self-Evaluation of Strength Improvements
My theme revealed a responsiveness to attributes of connectedness, developer, harmony, consistency, and restorative. At the end of each summarized thematic qualities, it asks for self-reflection by reading and answering, find what lines or phrases stand out to you the most?  The line within the connectedness summary that stood out the most was “I create peace within groups and between people by linking them to one another.”  I have wished on many occasions that this area within my core would vanish. Identified often by many as the peacekeeper or solution bearer most of my life can merit careful re-evaluation at this stage.  Many would seek me out for answers or solutions to their problems.  Early in life, this misappropriated valuable time on completing assigned task within a reasonable timeframe.  Furthermore, it placed my opinion on matters between others that didn’t originally involve me in the first place. This would leave confrontational impressions of me trying to vulnerably defend truths of the matter instead. A centered core value I stand firm on is operating in truth. Defending the truth and every areas of integrity that couples with the truth typically sets me apart from others.  Strengthening this area of my connectedness would be a welcomed challenge.
A shared themed description in the assessment states, people who are especially talented in the developer theme recognize and cultivate the potential in others.  They spot the signs of each small improvement and derive satisfaction from these improvements.  My report revealed “it’s very likely that you derive much pleasure from honoring and praising individuals, especially when their good results are the fruit of hard work. You regularly go out of your way to notice their accomplishments, knowledge, skills, or talents.  This is so true however, I desire to strengthen in this area of know-how.  This is a clear indication of leadership ability. It can weaken one’s capacity for conflict resolution based on the praised person’s perception of self.  Sometimes repeatedly being the developer of others may cause an unintentional coddling of an individual that has no real interest in bettering themselves.  The question is raised in the assessment, what would I like for others to see in me most? I chose this statement, you instinctively understand the level of attention, and the amount of time the person needs from you to feel truly appreciated.  I consider this a treasured gift in me that often goes overlooked. As I get older, I am recognizing that time spent on making others feel appreciated is of essential importance, but I must bring balance providing myself with just as much attention.
My personalized strength states, knowing my deficiencies and limitations helps motivate me to take advantage of self-improvement opportunities in the workplace, educational settings, or your community.  This insight was refreshing to read, but I would prefer to strengthen this personal characteristic by using the motivation in a more advantageous way.  Not only basking in the opportunity of knowing self-expectations and boundaries, but increasing an improved awareness of this insight overall internally.
In conclusion, at this stage of my life I have grown quite content with the rudiments of my life’s purpose.  I rest in knowing more than anything, I have always been resilient.  I value that. Under the many unfortunate circumstances I have faced in life, my statistical worth should not be championed.  This assessment has reminded me that I have held to my values, morals, and belief system. After the assessments all-encompassing feedback, I am proudest of that.
Kels discussion ( in APA format and at least 2-3 references)
Strength Assessment
As a leader, one well documented strategy for successful leadership is focusing on one’s own strengths. Ruth (2007), who has studied and surveyed leadership strength for over 20 years, reports that when people are able to focus on and utilize their own strengths in their job, they are three times more likely to have satisfaction in their life and six times more likely to have satisfaction and engagement in their job. While this is a staggering statistic, it shows promise for people who are willing to assess and focus on their own strengths. Part of being an authentic leader includes a high level of self-awareness to be effective in establishing a culture of trust and collaboration (Wisser, & Massey, 2019). 
In Ruth’s (2007) the StrengthFinder Assessment, five themes have been identified as my own strengths, which include achiever, empathy, input, intellection, and developer. An achiever is someone who has a constant need to complete tasks and reach goals, and feels dissatisfied with days that are unproductive. The achiever has a high level of motivation for fulfilling their tasks and reaching accomplishments.  The achiever has a level of dissatisfaction when not completing tasks, which can be helpful or harmful (Ruth, 2007). 
An empath has the ability to fully feel the emotions of those around them, and see others perspectives, even if they disagree with this perspective. This strength allows the empath to anticipate and read those around them. As a leader, the empath can give a voice to those who may not know how to express their opinions (Ruth, 2007). When followers feel heard and understood by their leader, they are able to better deal with their challenges (Boitshwarelo, Koen, & Rakhudu, 2020). 
The strength of input is the constant desire to obtain knowledge and collect information. The constant need for input allows one to collect data to make informed decisions. The worker who has a wealth of knowledge may be recruited as a subject expert, which can be beneficial for organization or team success (Ruth, 2007). A leader who is able to make decisions based on their wealth of knowledge can give a sense of ease to their followers (Boitshwarelo, Koen, & Rakhudu, 2020). 
Intellection is the need of a person to constantly be using their mind, thinking, and reflecting.The intellect is drawn to engaging activities. The intellect enjoys time to themselves to be able to contemplate. The intellect also draws from sources such as books in order to fully understand topics. The intellect’s inquisitive nature can lead to further knowledge (Ruth, 2007).
Finally, the developer is able to see strengths in others and help to foster their development. The developer takes time to learn the interest in others and help them to see their own possibilities. The growth of others gives the developer a sense of their own satisfaction (Ruth, 2007). The followers who feel motivated and supported by their leader report decrease work stress (Boitshwarelo et al., 2020). The developer should be cognizant to also focus on themselves, as one can better focus on others if they are content with themselves (Ruth, 2007). 
Review of these strengths allows me to self-reflect on what I am able to do well, but also what may be some of my weaknesses. Two characteristics that I would like to strengthen in myself are my self confidence and giving myself grace. As an empath and developer, I spend a good amount of my energy focusing on the feeling and success of others (Ruth, 2007). While seeing others flourish makes me feel good, I often overlook my own feelings in the proces. Having a sense of self-confidence is important as a leader because a leader’s attitude can have a direct impact on their followers (Boitshwarelo et al., 2020). As an achiever, I constantly feel the need to accomplish more, and am not easily satisfied with my own self growth (Ruth, 2007). Being able to give myself grace will hopefully give me less guilt when I spend time resting and recharging. 
Two strengths that I would like to improve are the strengths of input and intellection. Both of these strengths require taking time to increase my knowledge level and reflect on the bigger picture (Ruth, 2007). Sometimes, there seems to be not enough time in the day to do all the things I desire. Knowledge improvement takes time to foster. Leaders who are introverted and desire time to themselves may come of aloof. However, leaders who need time for themselves can successfully accomplish this if they balance time interacting with others and time scheduled for themselves (Wisser, & Massey, 2019). Taking classes towards my Masters Degree is the first step I have taken to increase my intellect and input. However, once I complete these classes, I hope to be a lifelong learner. 
Two core values I would like to improve are honesty and commitment. While I find it very important to be honest to myself and others, some of this may get lost in my desire to build others up. Sometimes honesty can be too harsh, which leads to me avoiding conversations all together. I need to find a happy medium, being able to be honest with people while also fulfilling my desire to build them up. For example, the developer should be careful not to encourage someone to continue to work at something that may not suit them, and rather encourage them to pursue something different (Ruth, 2007). In addition, I hope to strengthen a sense of commitment to my job. I find that if I don’t feel intellectually challenged in a role, I will look to move on. Therefore, it is important for someone with a desire for input, to find a job that will be filled with knowledge acquisition (Ruth, 2007). Once I find this job, I want to be fully committed to the role. 

Boitshwarelo, T., Koen, M. P., & Rakhudu, M. A. (2020). Strengths employed by resilient nurse 
managers in dealing with workplace stressors in public hospitals. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 13.
Rath, T. (2007). StrengthsFinder 2.0 (1st ed.). Gallup Press.
Wisser, K., & Massey, R., (2019). Mastering Your Distinctive Strengths as an Introverted 
Nurse Leader. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 43(2), 123–129.

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