Motivation is a drive to succeed. It is the force that brings about action in order to achieve something. It brings about willingness to acquire the desired end. Intrinsic motivation is a behavior that occurs as a result of natural satisfaction. The action is internally driven due to self-demand for satisfaction. It acts as a motivational factor that is not influenced by outside forces. Extrinsic motivation is a behavior or an action that arises as a result of external factors. These factors include finances, good grades, and accommodation.
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors are important in the attainment of a goal. They both have a great contribution to one’s action or behavior that a person engages in. However, intrinsic motivation is preferred since a person is driven by his or her own interest. This makes a person to do something from his or her heart making it perfect as compared to an action done out of extrinsic motivation. A behavior out of intrinsic motivation is more satisfying and more actualizing than that from extrinsic motivation. (Reiss, 2012).
Motivation plays a great role in learning. Through observation, one acquires some skills that are helpful in daily activities. Through imitation of other people’s behavior, a goal is achieved. Modeling makes learning to become simple since it acts as a representation of real objects that would otherwise be had to access. Extrinsic motivation essential in learning since it is known to increase competency. This is because the external forces can easily influence the internal desires and, hence enhancing the action. This is mostly seen in competitive situations where a reward is given after attainment of a set goal or completion of a certain activity. In case of an emergency, extrinsic motivation serves better as compared to intrinsic. (Levesque, 2011).
After the completion of my bachelor’s degree course, I decided to enroll myself into a master’s degree course. The drive towards my master’s degree studies was to improve the chances of me acquiring a well-paying job.  The salary will be able to help me sustain my family’s basic and luxurious needs including housing, clothing, and recreation. This was an extrinsic motivation because the action was a driven force from the outside.
Levesque, R. J. (2011). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. In Encyclopedia of Adolescence (pp. 1478-1479). Springer, New York, NY.
Reiss, S. (2012). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The teaching of Psychology, 39(2), 152-156.
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COLLAPSE SUBDISCUSSIONAndrea GoldsteinAndrea Goldstein

ThursdayMar 21 at 5:18amManage Discussion EntryYvette, excellent research and explanation.  Motivation is an interesting concept as we are all motivated by different things.  We are even motivated personally by different things at different times and situations.  Here are some key points in the motivation explanation:

Motivation is an urge to behave or act in a way that will satisfy certain conditions, such as wishes, desires, or goals.
Psychologists believe that motivation is rooted in a basic impulse to optimize well-being, minimize physical pain, and maximize pleasure.
Motivations are commonly separated into drives (which are primarily biological, like thirst or hunger) and motives (which are primarily driven by social and psychological mechanisms).
In addition to biological drives, motivations can be intrinsic (arising from internal factors) or extrinsic (arising from external factors).
In reality, our motivations are often a mix of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors, and the nature of the mix can change over time.
What do you think about all this?———(RESPOND-TO-TEACHER’S-QUESTION)

Dr. Goldstein

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