MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 1 Discussion
Respiratory System
For your assigned topic(s), you are to discuss the incidence and prevalence of the disorder, pathophysiology from an advanced practice perspective, physical assessment and examination, evidence-based treatment plan and patient education, as well as follow up and evaluation to assess the efficacy and outcomes of the evidence-based treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case involving the pathology(s) you are sharing. The entry should be posted in the Discussion space; do not post the Discussion as an attachment.
Community — Acquired
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Interstitial Lung Disease
Sleep Apnea
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 2 Discussion
Topic: Selected Disorders of the Neurologic System
Choose a topic from the list below that has not been discussed
For your topic, you are to discuss the incidence and prevalence of the disorder, pathophysiology from an advanced practice perspective, physical assessment and examination, evidence-based treatment plan and patient education, as well as follow up and evaluation to assess the efficacy and outcomes of the evidence-based treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case involving the pathology(s) you are sharing. You will share your information on the topic(s) you are assigned in the Unit 2 Discussion as your discussion entry. The entry should be posted in the Discussion space; do not post the Discussion as an attachment.
Neurologic System Topics:
Parkinson’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Temporal Arteritis
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 3 Discussion
Topic: Cardiovascular System
Choose a topic from the list below that has not been discussed.
You are to discuss the incidence and prevalence of the disorder, pathophysiology from an advanced practice perspective, physical assessment and examination, evidence-based treatment plan and patient education, as well as follow up and evaluation to assess the efficacy and outcomes of the evidence-based treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case involving the pathology(s) you are sharing. The entry should be posted in the Discussion space; do not post the Discussion as an attachment.
Valvular Disease
Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Peripheral Artery Disease
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 4 Discussion
Topic 1: Renal Disease
K.N. is a 24-year-old woman who presents to the family practice clinic complaining of sudden urgency to urinate, back pain, frequent urination, and pain with urination. Symptoms began approximately 48 hours ago. She awoke from sleep with urgency and suprapubic discomfort 2 nights ago. Her urine now has a strong odor and a cloudy appearance. She has an allergy to Bactrim.
What are some appropriate questions to ask the patient?
What are three differential diagnoses for the patient?
What physical examination would you perform?
What diagnostics would you include?
Create an evidenced-based plan of care. Include pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments.
Urine dipstick results: Color, dark yellow, specific gravity 1.035, ph 5.5, protein (-), Ketones (-), Bilirubin (-), Trace blood, Leukoesterase (+), Nitrites (+), Urobilinogen (-)
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 5 Discussion
Topic 1: Men’s Health Issues
What is the incidence and prevalence of prostate cancer? Describe the current guidelines for prostate cancer screening in men?
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 6 Discussion
Topic: Common Skin Issues on Primary Care
Choose a topic from the list provided that has not been discussed.
You are to discuss the incidence and prevalence of the disorder, pathophysiology from an advanced practice perspective, physical assessment and examination, evidence-based treatment plan and patient education, as well as follow up and evaluation to assess the efficacy and outcomes of the evidence-based treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case involving the pathology(s) you are sharing. The entry should be posted in the Discussion space; do not post the Discussion as san attachment.
Please select one of the topics from the list:
Candidiasis cutaneous
Contact dermatitis
Erythema multiforme
Tinea pedis
Lichens simplex chronicus
Tinea versicolor
Tinea pedis
Tinea capitis
Tinea cruris
Tinea corporis
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 7 Discussion
Topic: Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System
Choose a topic from the list below that has not been discussed
You are to discuss the incidence and prevalence of the disorder, pathophysiology from an advanced practice perspective, physical assessment and examination, evidence-based treatment plan and patient education, as well as follow up and evaluation to assess the efficacy and outcomes of the evidence-based treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case involving the pathology(s) you are sharing. You will share your information on the topic(s) you are assigned in the Unit 8 Discussion as your discussion entry. The entry should be posted in the Discussion space; do not post the Discussion as an attachment.
Arthritis rheumatoid
Lumbar spinal stenosis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Ganglion cyst
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 8 Discussion
Topic: Psychosocial Disorders
Choose one topic from the suggested list below that has not been discussed.
For your assigned topic(s), you are to discuss the incidence and prevalence of the disorder, pathophysiology from an advanced practice perspective, physical assessment and examination, evidence-based treatment plan and patient education, as well as follow up and evaluation to assess the efficacy and outcomes of the evidence-based treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case involving the pathology(s) you are sharing. You will share your information on the topic(s) you are assigned in the Unit 9 Discussion as your discussion entry. The entry should be posted in the Discussion space; do not post the Discussion as an attachment.
Generalized anxiety disorder
Substance abuse, dependence, and addictions
Bipolar disorder
Bulimia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Panic disorder
Adult onset attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Restless legs syndrome
Cerebrovascular accident
Migraine headaches
Tension headaches
Cluster headaches
Bell’s palsy
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 9 Discussion
Case and Discussion: Headache
A 35-year-old woman comes to your office to discuss her “bad headaches,” which started after having her first child 2 years ago. The headaches sometimes awaken her from sleep and at times can be disabling and occasionally require her to take Tylenol and rest in a dark room. Sometimes she vomits during an attack. Over the past 6 months, her headaches have become more severe and frequent, prompting her visit today.
What additional questions would you ask to learn more about her headaches?
How do you classify headaches?
How can you determine if this is an old headache or a new headache/s? Is this a chronic or episodic condition?
Can you make a definite diagnosis through an open-ended history followed by focused questions?
How can you use the patient history to distinguish between benign headaches and serious ones that require urgent attention?
What diagnostic tests do you want to include to help you with your diagnosis?
Create a differential diagnosis flow sheet for this patient for this patient and include the diagnostics related to the differentials.
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 10 Discussion
Topic: What is an NP?
Discuss the differences between a Primary Care Nurse Practitioner and an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and their scope of practice. Why is this important to know as you move from being a nurse into your new role as an NP? Please include sources and references to support your discussion.
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 3 Assignment
Students will Support your work with evidence based resources no older than 5 years old. Submit the diagnosis and treatment plan to be graded.
This Assignment will assess your ability to evaluate subjective and objective information in order to arrive at an appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan for the patient.
Hypertension Case Study
C.D is a 55-year-old African American male who presents to his primary care provider with a 2-day history of a headache and chest pressure.
Allergic Rhinitis
Family History
Father died at age 49 from AMI: had HTN
Mother has DM and HTN
Brother died at age 20 from complications of CF
Two younger sisters are A&W
Social History
The patient has been married for 25 years and lives with his wife and two children. The patient is an air traffic controller at the local airport. He has smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for the past 15 years. He drinks several beers every evening after work to relax. He does not pay particular attention to sodium, fat, or carbohydrates in the foods he eats. He admits to “salting almost everything he eats, sometimes even before tasting it.” He denies ever having dieted or exercised.
Zyrtec 10 mg daily
States that his overall health has been fair to good during the past year.
Weight has increased by approximately 30 pounds in the last 12 months.
States he has been having some occasional chest pressure and headaches for the past 2 days. Shortness of breath at rest, headaches, nocturia, nosebleeds, and hemoptysis.
Reports some shortness of breath with activity, especially when climbing stairs and that breathing difficulties are getting worse.
Denies any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or blood in stool.
Self treats for occasional right knee pain with OTC Ibuprofen.
Denies any genitourinary symptoms.
Vital Signs
B/P 190/120, HR 73, RR 18, T. 98.8 F., Ht 6’1”, Wt 240 lbs.
TMs intact and clear throughout
No nasal drainage
No exudates or erythema in oropharynx
Funduscopy reveals mild arteriolar narrowing without nicking, hemorrhages, exudates, or papilledema
Supple without masses or bruits
Thyroid normal
No lymphadenopathy
Mild basilar crackles bilaterally
No wheezes
No murmurs or rubs
Soft and non-distended
No masses, bruits, or organomegaly
Normal bowel sounds
Moves all extremities well
No sensory or motor abnormalities
CN’s II-XII intack
DTR’s = 2+
Muscle tone=5/5 throughout
What you should do:
Develop an evidence-based management plan.
Include any pertinent diagnostics.
Describe the patient education plan.
Include cultural and lifespan considerations.
Provide information on health promotion or health care maintenance needs.
Describe the follow-up and referral for this patient.
Prepare a 3–5-page paper (not including the title page or reference page).
Assignment Requirements:
Before finalizing your work, you should:
be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
consult the Grading Rubric to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.
Your writing Assignment should:
follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
use APA 6th Edition.
How to Submit:
Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.
When you are ready to submit your Assignment, select the unit Dropbox then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of the Assignment you submit.
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 5 Assignment
Midterm Clinical Evaluation
For the Midterm Clinical Evaluation in Week 5 you will be required to schedule a preceptor call with your instructor and preceptor utilizing the faculty directions in the course Announcements. Failure to schedule or complete this preceptor call could result in failure of the course.
Grading will follow the rubric and will be a collaboration between your faculty and preceptor. Any area of clinical concern will require faculty and student conference as well as implementation of an individual learning plan.
You can find the rubric located in Course Resources.
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 7 Assignment
Students will Support your work with evidence based resources no older than 5 years old. Submit the diagnosis and treatment plan to be graded.
Diabetes Case Study
Chief Complaint
“My left foot feels weak and numb. I have a hard time pointing my toes up.”
History of Present Illness
D.T. is 42-year-old Caucasian woman who has had an elevated blood sugar and cholesterol 2 years ago but did not follow up with a clinical diagnostic work-up. She had participated in the state’s annual health screening program and noticed her fasting blood sugar was 160 and her cholesterol was 250. However, she felt “perfectly fine at the time” and did not want to take any more medications. Except for a number of “female infections,” she has felt fine recently.
Today, she presents to the clinic complaining that her left foot has been weak and numb for nearly 3 weeks and that the foot is difficult to flex. She denies any other weakness or numbness at this time. She does report that she has been very thirsty lately and gets up more often at night to urinate. She has attributed these symptoms to the extremely warm weather and drinking more water to keep hydrated. She has gained a total of 50 pounds since her last pregnancy 10 years ago, 20 pounds in the last 6 months alone.
Past Medical History
Seasonal allergic rhinitis (since her early 20s)
Breast biopsy positive for fibroadenoma at age 30
Gestational diabetes with second child 10 years ago
Multiple yeast infections during the past 3 years that she has self-treated with OTC antifungal creams and salt bath
Hypertension for 10 years
Past Surgical History
C-section 14 years ago
OB-GYN History
Menarche at age 11
Last pap smear 3 years ago
Family History
Type 2 DM present in older brother and maternal grandfather. Both were diagnosed in their late 40s. Brother takes both pills and shots.
Mother alive and well
Father has COPD
Two other siblings alive and well
All three children are alive and well
Social History
Married 29 years with 3 children; husband is a school teacher
Family lives in a four bedroom single family home
Patient works as a seamstress
Smokes 1 pack per day (since age 16) and drinks two alcoholic drinks 4 days per week
Denies illegal drug uses
Never exercises and has tried multiple fad diets for weight loss with little success. She now eats a diet rich in fats and refined sugars.
Lisinopril 10 mg daily
Loratadine 10 mg daily
Review of Systems
Admits to recent onset of fatigue
Has awakened on several occasions with blurred vision and dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing: Denies vertigo, head trauma, ear pain, difficulty swallowing or speaking
Denies chest pain, palpitations, and difficulty breathing while lying down
Denies cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing
Denies nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating or pain, diarrhea, or food intolerance, but admits occasional episodes of constipation
Has experienced increased frequency and volumes of urination, but denies pain during urination, blood in the urine, or urinary incontinence
Denies leg cramps or swelling in the ankles and feet; has never experienced weakness, tingling or numbness in arms or legs prior to this episode
Has never had a seizure and denies recent headaches
Has a rash under her bilateral breast and in groin area
Denies a history of goiter and has not experienced heat or cold intolerance
Vital Signs
BP 165/100, T 98 F, P 88 regular, HT 5 feet 4 inches, RR 20 non labored, WT 210 lbs
What you need to do:
Develop an evidence-based management plan.
Include any pertinent diagnostics.
Describe the patient education plan.
Include cultural and lifespan considerations.
Provide information on health promotion or health care maintenance needs.
Describe the follow-up and referral for this patient.
Prepare a 3–5-page paper (not including the title page or reference page).
The paper should be no more than 3–5 pages (not including the title page and reference pages.
Assignment Requirements:
Before finalizing your work, you should:
be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.
Your writing Assignment should:
follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
use APA 6th Edition.
How to Submit:
Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.
When you are ready to submit your Assignment, select the unit Dropbox then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of the Assignment you submit.
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 10 Assignment
Final Clinical Evaluation — 300 points
This unit will contain the mandatory preceptor final evaluation in Rx Preceptor. Your preceptors will receive an automatic email from the Rx Preceptor system during week 8 and then weekly until week 9 to complete evaluations. Grading will follow the scale below and will be a collaboration between your faculty and preceptor. Any area of assessment with a score of 2.4 or below will receive an entire evaluation score of 0 points as failure in any area of assessment constitutes a failing evaluation. Any element of the evaluation that states the student is not safe or is unsafe will result in a “0” for the final evaluation and failure of the course.
Final evaluation will be worth 300 points and will follow the grading rubric below:
Score of 4 to 5 all 300 points awarded
Score of 3 to 3.9 = 240/300 points awarded
Score of 2.5 to 2.9 = 210/300 points awarded
Score of 2.4 and below = 0
Students must also complete both the evaluation of their preceptor and site for credit. The evaluations provide faculty an overview of your clinical performance and experiences with your preceptor and clinical location. The final clinical evaluation is required to pass the course.
Failure to complete all clinical hours or all associated Rx Preceptor documentation (clinical time log, patient encounter log, preceptor evaluation of student, and student evaluation of preceptor) will result in failure of the course.
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 1 Quiz
Question 1
Clinic hours must be confirmed by your preceptor every:
Question options:
Two weeks
Every month
At the end of term
Every week
Question 2
True or False: You must arrange three phone call meetings with the preceptor, faculty and self during the 10 week period you are in clinic.
Question options:
Question 3
True or False: You can wear scrubs to your clinical practicum.
Question options:
Question 4
True or False: It is OK to complete your clinical hours in the hospital setting.
Question options:
Question 5
True or False: The student must complete all 185 required clinical hours no later than the Monday of Week Ten.
Question options:
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 4 Quiz
Question 1
True or False: There are 12 steps to writing a prescription. True or False
Question options:
Question 2
True or False: You must include your DEA Number on all prescriptions: True or False
Question options:
Question 3
True or False: Superscription (RX) indicates that the patient may refill their own medication: True or False:
Question options:
Question 4
True or False: Schedule II controlled substances can have as many as five refills. True or False
Question options:
Question 5
True or False: Your signature and degree finalize the legal document. A signature stamp can be used for controlled substances. True or False
Question options:
MN560 Advanced Practice Nurse Clinical
Unit 7 Quiz
Question 1
The process by which practitioner collects, processes, and interprets patient information to develop an action plan includes all except:
Question options:
gender and age
patient finances and religion
season of the year and location
ethnicity and time of year
Question 2
True or False: Intuition/gut feelings and biases and assumptions are the same.
Question options:
Question 3
True or False: Example patient: The 21-year=old male with itchy legs had eczema.
Question options:
Question 4
Use a reasoning strategy: Hypothetical- Deductive reasoning (deductive vs. inductive) to process the information in the clinical context. True or False: Hypothetical- Deductive Reasoning: works from specific to general.
Question options:
Question 5
Select all that apply to history taking and data collection.
Question options:
a) Have you taken an adequate history of the patient’s health condition and provided the patient with the opportunity to express his or her current health concerns?
b) If the patient is unable to provide a history (e.g., language barrier, capacity issue, etc.), have you consulted those who may be able to assist in obtaining the history?
c) Have you adequately assessed any relevant risk factors, including family history, which might help in diagnosis?
d) Are there any red flag symptoms?
e) Have you determined what the patient has already done to manage his or her symptoms?