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Final Care Coordination Plan Scoring Guide


Design patient-centered healthinterventions andtimelines for aselected health careproblem.

Does not designpatient-centeredhealth interventionsand timelines for aselected health careproblem.

Designs patient-centered healthintervention for aselected health careproblem.

Designs patient-centered healthinterventions andtimelines for aselected health careproblem.

Designs patient-centered healthinterventions andtimelines for aselected health careproblem that includescommunityresources.

Consider ethicaldecisions indesigning patient-centered healthinterventions.

Does not considerethical decisions indesigning healthinterventions.

Considers ill-definedor ambiguous ethicaldecisions in designingpatient-centeredhealth interventions.

Considers ethicaldecisions indesigning patient-centered healthinterventions.

Considers insightfulethical decisions indesigning patient-centered healthinterventions. Thesedecisions aresupported by theliterature.

Identify relevanthealth policyimplications for thecoordination andcontinuum of care.

Does not identifyrelevant health policyimplications for thecoordination andcontinuum of care.

Identifies health policyimplications that areinconsistent with thegoals and objectivesfor the coordinationand continuum ofcare.

Identifies relevanthealth policyimplications for thecoordination andcontinuum of care.

Identifies relevanthealth policyimplications for thecoordination andcontinuum of care,based on precise andaccurateinterpretations ofrelevant policyprovisions. Makesvalid, insightfulinferences.

Describe prioritiesthat a carecoordinator wouldestablish whendiscussing the planwith a patient andfamily member,making changesbased upon evidence-based practice.

Does not describepriorities that a carecoordinator wouldestablish whendiscussing the planwith a patient andfamily member.

Describe priorities thata care coordinatorwould establish whendiscussing the planwith a patient andfamily member butdoes not useevidence-basedpractice to makechanges to the plan.

Describes prioritiesthat a carecoordinator wouldestablish whendiscussing the planwith a patient andfamily member,making changesbased uponevidence-basedpractice.

Describe prioritiesthat a carecoordinator wouldestablish whendiscussing the planwith a patient andfamily member,making changesbased uponevidence-basedpractice. Clearlyexplains the need forchanges to the plan.

Use the literature onevaluation as a guideto compare learningsession content withbest practices,including how to alignteaching sessions tothe Healthy People2030 document.

Does not use theliterature onevaluation as a guideto compare learningsession content withbest practices, anddoes not include howto align teachingsessions to theHealthy People 2030document.

Discusses evaluationbut does not use theliterature as a guide tocompare learningsession content withbest practices, or doesnot include how toalign teachingsessions to theHealthy People 2030document.

Uses the literature onevaluation as a guideto compare learningsession content withbest practices,including how to alignteaching sessions tothe Healthy People2030 document.

Uses the literature onevaluation as a guideto compare learningsession content withbest practices,including how to alignteaching sessions tothe Healthy People2030 document.Clearly explains theneed for anyrevisions.


Apply APA formattingto in-text citationsand references,exhibiting nearlyflawless adherence toAPA format.

Does not apply APAformatting toheadings, in-textcitations, andreferences. Does notuse quotes orparaphrase correctly.

Applies APAformatting to in-textcitations, headingsand referencesincorrectly and/orinconsistently,detracting noticeablyfrom the content.Inconsistently usesheadings, quotesand/or paraphrasing.

Applies APAformatting to in-textcitations andreferences, exhibitingnearly flawlessadherence to APAformat.

Exhibits strict andflawless adherence toAPA formatting ofheadings, in-textcitations, andreferences. Quotesand paraphrasescorrectly.

Organize content soideas flow logicallywith smoothtransitions; containsfew errors ingrammar/punctuation,word choice, andspelling.

Does not organizecontent for ideas.Lacks logical flowand smoothtransitions.

Organizes contentwith some logical flowand smoothtransitions. Containserrors ingrammar/punctuation,word choice, andspelling.

Organizes content soideas flow logicallywith smoothtransitions; containsfew errors ingrammar/punctuation,word choice, andspelling.

Organizes contentwith a clear purpose.Content flowslogically with smoothtransitions usingcoherent paragraphs,correctgrammar/punctuation,word choice, and freeof spelling errors.

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