415 W4 DQ2
The Plan-Do-Check-Adjust (PDCA) cycle is a key element in learning cycle that assists in defining cadence. Explain each element of the PDCA learning cycle. How are they applied to the project? What value do they bring to the process?
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A Lugi
Hi Class,
The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle is a quality improvement element in public health, with a goal in meeting community needs. The first element in the cycle is Plan which is used to study the current situation, understand the challenge, and provide solutions to the problem (Isniah et al., 2020). In a project, it is important in laying a foundation and outline of steps to be followed. The Do element is used as a phase of implementing the action plan that has already been developed. It entails the activities undertaken by the team during the project implementation stage. Following that element is Check/Study which is used to analyze and understand the intervention’s effects (Isniah et al., 2020). New data collected after the intervention is compared to baseline data for a reflection of implications. A project management process would compare the two to establish level of success. Act follows next and it is a basic culmination of the preceding elements. The aim statement is used to determine whether objectives have been achieved and a decision is made to act on lessons derived. Project management gradually develops with time.
Isniah, S., Purba, H. H., & Debora, F. (2020). Plan do check action (PDCA) method: literature review and research issues. Jurnal Sistem dan Manajemen Industri, 4(1), 72-81.
B Lugi
When you are in the planning stage, we're looking for what we're doing and how it should be done. Like a blueprint, a plan to accomplish a task or project. What is the core problem we should solve? is it the right problem to solve? What resources will it require to solve or accomplish?
This stage is the doing part. We take the plan and follow the blueprints. We run the test, gather information about the test.
Check is taking all the data and checking to see if it is worth the time and money to pursue, or if there are any needed improvements. Did the test go as planned?
This step is adjusting the test to the data gathered and run it again. What is needed for the test to go how we planned? What resources are needed or what can be changed to get the desired results?
C Justin
Replies to Luigi Figaroa
The PDCA Cycle stands for Plan, Do, Check, and Act. This is a methodology that is implemented during project management. This cycle is a key element in lean project management that lets those involved in the project so that you can check your mistakes and make sure you do not make those mistakes over and over again.
Plan-You have to identify what the problem is and understand where the opportunity lies. You must generate ideas and develop your plan. Take the information that is given to you by stakeholders and create the end goals of the project.
Do-Create trials of your project and test the project in small-scale environments. Make sure to take your data and use that to get better.
Check-Look back at your plan and check your results against your end goal. If you are not meeting your goals go back and run more trials and testing against the data until you reach your goals and the stakeholders are happy and satisfied.
Act-This is where you launch your project. The main goal of PDCA is to always get better in your project. That is why PDCA is a loop the methodology is a continuous process and is always moving.

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